The Little Children and Jesus

The Little Children and Jesus

Let the little children come to me. Luke 18:16. Have you ever made a public confession about your belief in Jesus and wanting Him in your life as The One Who guides you? Is there a christening, baby dedication, or baptism certificate on the devices, wall, mantle or table in your home? Perhaps a video, book, photo or some remembrance of that special occasion is a part of your family’s treasures. That time shows how unique and special you are to GOD, His Son JESUS, your family, and all who believe in and follow GOD! The Little Children and Jesus People were bringing little children to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them [the disciples]. When Jesus saw this, He was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little...

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God’s Creation—Look at the Birds

God’s Creation—Look at the Birds

 “Look at the birds of the air: … your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”- Matthew 6: 26 ESV. Brrr! Too cold to go outside. It’s winter and not much to watch outside. But look! See the birds? No matter how cold it is, they get up every morning and get to work looking for things to eat. They hop around in the freezing weather, chasing each other for food. Something catches a bird’s eye and off he goes to see what he can find. How do they survive? They have tiny birdbrains and don’t go to school to learn anything. They aren’t strong or clever. They don’t have refrigerators or cabinets with food. They don’t have blankets, or coats or boots. How do they exist? What if you saw a bird driving a little car around your...

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Revelation 22:1-7—Heaven Prepared Just for You and Me!

Revelation 22:1-7—Heaven Prepared Just for You and Me!

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and His servants will serve Him. They will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads. There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign forever and ever.  Revelation 22:1-7 Recall a time when you were invited, or that...

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God Is Forever! Forever Is a Looonnnngggg Time

God Is Forever! Forever Is a Looonnnngggg Time

Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.  Psalm 90: 1 Who or what is the oldest person or thing you know? You have become acquainted with one of our Presidents who lived the longest of all other Commander-in-chiefs. President Carter lived a century of Christian service. Yes, 100 hundred years. That’s a lot of candles, right? How about great-grandparents? An old farmhouse? An uncle’s military medal? A nearby oak tree? Your parents’ first grade teacher? A hand carved wooden rocking horse?  Your neighbors’ golden retriever? These are perhaps “old.” Whoever or whatever you are considering, GOD has existed far...

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Writing for God’s Kingdom: Sharing Stories That Help Others

Writing for God’s Kingdom: Sharing Stories That Help Others

Stories are powerful—they make us laugh, teach us important lessons, and help us feel close to each other. For Christians, stories do something even more special: they can help people know God better and feel His love. Writing stories for God isn’t just about making up fun tales; it’s a way to share His goodness and bring hope to others. Jesus: The Best Storyteller Jesus was great at telling stories! He used stories to teach people about God’s love and how to live for Him. For example, the story of the Prodigal Son shows us how God always forgives and welcomes us back (Luke 15:11–32). The Good Samaritan teaches us to be kind to everyone (Luke 10:25–37). When we write stories about Jesus or how He helps us, we’re doing what Jesus did—sharing God’s...

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Noah’s Builds a Boat: Riding Out Life’s Storm

Noah’s Builds a Boat: Riding Out Life’s Storm

Long ago—before ships sailed the seas—lubbers and giants roamed about, doin’ as they pleased. These scallywags called bad things good and good things bad. They lied, cheated, and plundered like pirates. But Skipper, who sees all, were not laughin’. “I’m sore sorry I made man,” Skipper said. “Time to swab the decks clean and start over.” Just as He was about to scuttle the sorry lot, He spied Noah, a feller who still listened to Him. “Noah!” Skipper called. “The world’s got more rot than a shipwreck!” “What’s a ship?” Noah asked. “It’s a vessel fer floatin’ on when ye don’t want to drown.” “Drown? Our brook dries up every summer!” “Not this year,” Skipper replied. “I’m sending a flood. Start choppin’ trees....

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Cracking the Great Egg Mystery

Cracking the Great Egg Mystery

And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds” (Genesis 1:24 ESL). Dinosaur eggs? Chicken eggs? Turtle eggs? Snake eggs? Platypus eggs? Aren’t eggs, eggs? That’s scrambling my head to think about all that. It’s an egg mystery. How will we crack it? How do you know what kinds of eggs are at your house? Well, you cannot ‘egg-nore’ what creature laid the egg. To crack the mystery, you ask, “What came first? The chicken or the egg?”  Chickens lay eggs that hatch chickens. Dinosaurs lay eggs that hatch dinosaurs. Snakes lay eggs that hatch snakes. Turtles lay eggs that hatch turtles. And on it goes. How do you know what kind of creature will come out of an egg? God put it in order. He organized it so each creature...

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The Wonder of Nature: 7 Simple Ways to Teach Kids About God’s Creation

The Wonder of Nature: 7 Simple Ways to Teach Kids About God’s Creation

As parents, caregivers, or teachers, one of the most powerful gifts we can give children is a sense of awe and appreciation for the world around them. Nature is a profound reflection of God’s creativity and love. From towering trees to tiny ants, every part of creation tells a story about God’s majesty and care. Teaching kids about God’s creation not only nurtures their connection to nature, but also helps them understand their place in God’s beautiful world. Here are 7 simple ways to help children appreciate and learn about God’s creation. Take Nature Walks and Explore God’s Creation One of the best ways to help kids experience God’s creation firsthand is by taking regular nature walks. Whether it’s a stroll through the park, a hike in the woods,...

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Stop, Drop, Roll Out…

Stop, Drop, Roll Out…

Jesus said, “Believe me, woman. The time is coming when you will not have to be in Jerusalem or on this mountain to worship the Father. You Samaritans worship what you don’t understand. We Jews understand what we worship. Salvation comes from the Jews. The time is coming when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. That time is now here. And these are the kinds of worshipers the Father wants. God is spirit. Those who worship God must worship in spirit and truth.” The woman said, “I know that the Messiah is coming.” (Messiah is the One called Christ.) “When the Messiah comes, he will explain everything to us.” Then Jesus said, “He is talking to you now. I am he.” Just then, his followers came back from town. They were...

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A Day At The Beach With Daddy

A Day At The Beach With Daddy

Ellie woke up one morning thinking about her big project. She needed to paint a giant cardboard castle for her school play. Paints, brushes, and a glittery crown sat in a pile, ready for her to start. But as she grabbed her brush, she stopped. Remembering her promise to spend time with her dad, she hurried into his bedroom and pulled her little red rocking chair close to his desk. “Hi, Daddy. It’s me, checking in,” Ellie said aloud. She flipped open the book he kept on his desk and began to read. She loved reading Daddy’s writings, and even though she couldn’t recall his voice, she imagined how he might have spoken the words. As she read, her mind wandered back to her castle. Should the flag be blue or red? “Red is a good color,”...

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Bible Lessons from the Chicken Coop

Bible Lessons from the Chicken Coop

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” — Ephesians 4:2 People act a lot like chickens. Chickens are not all the same. Some have feathered feet. Others have feathers on their heads that stick out everywhere. Different types of chickens can lay different colored eggs. Grandpa raises chickens for their eggs. He has four pens, each with a different kind of egg. Some are large or small, brown or white. One of his chickens even lays light green eggs. Have you read Dr. Seuss’s book Green Eggs and Ham? God made real green eggs—they’re prettier than the ones in the book. But what about chicken personalities? It’s interesting. Some chickens act bossy toward others. Some ignore you and only come to the fence...

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Red Apples and Kind Words

Red Apples and Kind Words

Sparkling dew drops slipped off the apple tree leaves and hit me on the nose. Squinting, I tried to avoid the splash against my eyelashes. I stretched as I tried to reach the shiny red apple hanging just out of my reach. With one final effort, I stood up on my tippy toes and grabbed the apple. “UGG!” I exclaimed as I fell backward, a shower of cold dewy sprayed on me. My jacket was damp, but I had secured my prize. I looked down at the beautiful red apple in my hands. It almost felt wrong to eat something so beautiful. I wish I could save it forever. But apples only last so long, so I brought the apple up to my lips and took a big munch. The sweet flavor of the apple exploded in my mouth. It was better than any candy I had ever eaten! Proverbs 25:11 says, “A...

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Spiritual Strength

Spiritual Strength

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 How strong would you have to be to defeat the Incredible Hulk? You’d probably need biceps the size of boulders and superhuman strength. How strong is the Hulk exactly? He’s so strong that he could lift a planet over his head or destroy an asteroid in one punch. While it would be nice to have limitless physical strength like the Hulk, as Christians, we have something even better…spiritual strength. The apostle Paul said “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Paul was imprisoned for five years for preaching the Gospel, and although his body was weak, Jesus gave him the spiritual strength to overcome his circumstances. He continued spreading the Good News by...

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Jesus, Our Peacemaker … Referee … Mediator

Jesus, Our Peacemaker … Referee … Mediator

For there is one God and one Mediator [Peacemaker; Referee; Connection] between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. 1Timothy 2:5-6 🙂   Picture who JESUS is.  Stretch your brain a bit and tell me what do you see in your mind’s eye? Loving parents who nurture, teach, protect, correct and enjoy their children with deep love? How about a Chief Shepherd caring for  tenderly comforting, defending, feeding, rescuing them? Brightest of Lights in the darkest of places? Sunshine on cloudy days? Shield, Cool, pure, clean drink of water in sweltering heat? Strong Tower, Great Physician, tried and true, trusted Friend, freshly baked Bread! How do you see...

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Old Pete’s Wild Ride: The Night The Son Invented Surfing

Old Pete’s Wild Ride: The Night The Son Invented Surfing

Arr, gather ‘round, ye scallywags, and hear the tale of Old Pete, the only sailor ever to defy the mighty pull of the deep without so much as a driftwood plank under his feet! Aye, this be a tale o’ brave hearts, blustery waves, and one mind-bogglin’ walk that’d make even the great Kelly Slater give a salty salute! Now, Old Pete was one o’ Skipper’s Son’s best mates, always eager to jump in first, feet a-paddlin’ even when he hadn’t a clue what he was doin’. So one night, after a long day o’ teachin’ and healin’, Skipper’s Son sent His crew off in a boat, sayin’, “I’ll catch up with ye later.” Well, hours passed, and wouldn’t ya know it, the wind started howlin’, the waves were...

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“Night, night! Sleep tight!”

“Night, night! Sleep tight!”

On my bed I remember You; I think of You through the watches of the night. – Psalm 63:6 You may have heard this saying ’Sleep tight’ to ensure you have a restful night’s sleep. Well, it certainly has a very interesting somewhat amusing story behind it (search around and let us know what you discover). Sometimes, we just can’t seem to go to sleep! Many reasons might be the cause; however, one of the best responses to this is time with GOD in prayer and Bible reading or listening. God’s loving Presence has such a calming effect on our minds, bodies, souls, and spirits. We can hold to the promises from God on any issue, situation, or circumstance we have. Consider these verses as you hear from and talk with our Heavenly Father while waiting for...

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Show-Offs and Screechers: When Sounding Off Is Annoying

Show-Offs and Screechers: When Sounding Off Is Annoying

I was so excited to visit my grandparents in Florida. Every year, we went down to their house, and every year, something new and weird happened. This time, it was the “Proud Screeching Fowls with Foul Mouths.” My grandparents live in a quiet neighborhood, or at least, it used to be. Granddad told me that when he was little, there were only two of them in the neighborhood, and they lived in this big, walled-off compound down the street. You know, like a gated community of one family. The place was super mysterious. Granddad said he and his friends used to run by it as fast as they could. Older kids swore there was a creepy old man inside who turned kids into animals. That sounded scary to me. But after that old man left, the residents inside the...

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How Skipper Tamed the World’s Wild Waters

How Skipper Tamed the World’s Wild Waters

Ahoy, mates! Brace the main and prepare fer the greatest sea tale ever told. This be the story of how the Skipper tamed the world’s wild waters. 

In the beginning, there be nothing but water. Everywhere and all around, water covered everything, with no Land-Ho for a pirate to make port. ‘Cept back then there were no pirate mates, only the Skipper and the water.

And not the kinda water ye wantin’ ter splash around in, but wild and deep like a never-ending tidal wave. 

Now, Skipper, seein’ how He created all things, knew the potential of this water, and the Skipper pulled off the greatest feat in history!

Skipper’s Spirit roiled the surface of the deep. And there was lightnin’ and booms! Stars and flashes and with a mighty thunder out popped the seas, oceans, rivers, and dry land! 

Land, mates! 

The thing we don’t sink into!

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We make numerous choices every single day! How many have you had to make so far today? If you have only been awake an hour, perhaps not too many, yet! Some are fairly simple and may not make much difference one way or the other. Do I wear black or gray socks? Others require ongoing efforts of seeking the Lord, searching the scriptures, listing pros/cons, researching the options, lots of discussion with family, godly counselors, prayer, and fasting.

Unlike the color choice of our socks, these choices hold power that can have long-term consequences and may affect others in our lives, families, friends, neighbors, and communities. These decisions are most likely complex, stressful, and time-consuming. The Bible records the details of such a person. In Nehemiah chapter 1, a godly man is overwhelmed with grief about his people, their condition, and their city. 

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Circle Puzzle: “Love One Another”

Circle Puzzle: “Love One Another”

Starting at the center:   Circle the first word Skip two words Circle the next word Skip three words and Circle the next and… Skip one word and circle the next; skip two words and circle the next two; skip two words and circle the next one; skip three words and circle the next one; skip one and circle the next one; skip one and circle the next one; skip two words and circle the next two; skip one and circle the next one; skip two and circle the next three; skip one and circle the next one; skip one and circle the next three. It may seem a little confusing, but it reveals an important Bible verse!   1 John 4:7 Download large image of the puzzle. Sharon Roberts writes for children and has been published in Christian publications like Story Mates,...

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God’s Continued Blessings “Treats’ HIS 10th Month

God’s Continued Blessings “Treats’ HIS 10th Month

GOD’s Tenth- month-“Treats” (10X10) FALL into GOD’s goodness Psalm 100:5.  The LORD is good and HIS mercy endures forever. Psalm 119:103. How sweet are YOUR Words to my taste; sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 25: 8-9.  Good and upright is the LORD; therefore He shows sinners the way. He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way.  Psalm 84:11. For the LORD God is our Sun and our Shield. He gives us grace and glory. The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. John 1:16.  From God’s fulness, and abundance have all we received grace for grace.   What’s your usual reaction to the taste of something Sweet? Bitter? Spicy? While some of us like all these, our tasting of something sweet and...

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Terrifying Night: Tiny Intruder Causes Chaos in Quiet Home!

Terrifying Night: Tiny Intruder Causes Chaos in Quiet Home!

Deep into the evening, I had just opened to chapter seven when all of a sudden what was a docile TV room behind me lit up with shouts and raised voices. I looked up from the page to see a little black creature zip in from the kitchen, making a circuit of the home’s main floor. It flittered around the TV room causing voices to head toward shrieking level. “Get the tennis racket in the cellar!” Auntie Marilyn cried. I jumped up out of my seat and raced downstairs. Grabbing the tennis racket I wondered what might become of this intruder. As I entered the kitchen from the basement the little winged varmint changed course in mid-flight around its racetrack. Suddenly, Dad was already corralling it into the hallway. The little brown bat had come indoors clinging to...

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How a Young King’s Faith Saved a Generation

How a Young King’s Faith Saved a Generation

Have you ever hidden a time capsule and then dug it up later? Josiah became king at just 8 years old. His father had been a wicked man.

When Josiah turned 16, he started following God. He knew the Israelites were sinning. He wanted to make it right. At 20 years old, he ordered the destruction of all idols. A few years later, he raised money to rebuild the Lord’s Temple.

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Overcoming Fear One Flight at a Time

Overcoming Fear One Flight at a Time

The plane landed just within view of Tater. First, the plane bounced and settled down onto the grassy area next to the runway, and then drove with ease over to the fuel pumps. The fifteen-year-old class clown wasn’t laughing. Tater swallowed with a gulp as his lunch was flip-flopping in his stomach.

“Come on, it’s your turn.” Tater’s friends pushed him. Tater slowly got up and walked toward the plane. “He’s gonna puke!” a boy yelled. They all laughed. Tater couldn’t think of anything witty. Instead, he grabbed his stomach. He heard their laughter trail off as he approached the plane.

“Ready to go?” Pilot Bill asked.

“I’m not sure.” His eyes watered. “I think I ate rotten food.” He grabbed his stomach.

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Welcome! Come, Sit with Me, Jesus

Welcome! Come, Sit with Me, Jesus

How exciting to be invited! To be welcomed and wanted. How did you respond when you opened that e-vite to your friend’s birthday party or saw your name on the ‘team selected’? How about when you walked into your school’s lunchroom a few minutes late and the entire table—YES, EVERYone—was waving you over… pointing to that ‘saved’ empty seat? They even made a sign with ‘your’ name on it!  Brace yourself…you might want to sit on the floor! Read this text! Listen to this invite! Matthew 11:28-30 “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”.29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.30 For my yoke is easy, and my...

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How a Simple Push-Start Can Change A Life

How a Simple Push-Start Can Change A Life

Have you ever tried push-starting a mini-bike, a scrambler, or a car with a stick shift and clutch? If so, you might understand how I felt one early morning a while back. I woke up early, anticipating a rigorous day of motorcycle riding: 675 miles to that evening’s destination, Tucumcari, New Mexico. It wasn’t going to be easy. First, the starter was malfunctioning, but I learned I could push-start my motorcycle. However, this wasn’t just any motorcycle—it was an 870-pound, fully-loaded Goldwing. This bike needed a hill or something very close to one to build up enough speed to start the engine on a cool morning in the high desert. The night before, I had parked at the motel in a spot with a slope, thinking, “That’s the ticket!” All packed, I climbed...

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Blessed, Healthy, Safe August … And Forever After

Blessed, Healthy, Safe August … And Forever After

YEAH “BACK-to-SCHOOL”! God’s continued blessings, wisdom, good health, safety, and PEACE this new school year! OK-ok, I get it-you may not be totally ‘thrilled’ about homework, reports, quizzes and tests. You are no doubt excited about seeing and being with your friends and neighbors again! Who are our neighbors? ________________________ As you return and prepare to return to your various schools, each week read this interesting and helpful conversation between Jesus and an ‘expert’ in the law found in Luke 10: 25-37! We learn something of great value from Jesus as He responds to this expert’s question…  “And who is my neighbor?” The LORD shares a very detailed and thoughtful story which leads the expert to answer his own...

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The First Christmas

The First Christmas

King David had descendants, too numerous to name. One of them was Joseph, who would gain lasting fame. Joseph was engaged to a woman named Mary. God said to her one night, “My child, you shall carry.” All that Joseph wanted was to do what was right. He considered leaving her, but God appeared to him one night. The Lord said, “Please take Mary to be your lawful wife. Because she will bear my child who will save all with his life.” The emperor Augustus ordered a census to be taken. Every man had to register by going to his hometown. So Joseph and Mary left to go to Bethlehem. By now she was expecting, so a donkey aided them. When they got to the city, there was no room for strangers. The only place for the baby to sleep was in a wooden...

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A Thankful Day — Give Thanks Always

A Thankful Day — Give Thanks Always

I am thankful for my father and mother
Who always taught me to love one another
I am thankful for my grandfather and grandmother
Who always read great books to me.
I am thankful for my teacher, Mr. Wachowski
Who taught me that two plus two equals four, not three.
I am thankful for my brothers, Emmet and Billy
They know how to make me feel happy
I am thankful for . . .

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What Do I Wear?

What Do I Wear?

Continue enjoying your refreshing, relaxing, FUN summer activities! One of your BIG questions for all your summer doings and goings may be what to wear and do. Sometimes the answer was clear: providing lunch for families @local parks-✅ swimming-✅ hiking-✅mowing lawn-✅ Other times maybe not. How about your cousin’s wedding, classical concert, job interview❓❓❓ With the Bible’s help, we have you covered for what to ‘wear’ now and at all times. So many retailers, and merchants including car, appliance, lawn equipment, and grocery have been advertising “BACK-to-SCHOOL” sales since the week after schools closed for summer! Perhaps you have started (or will very soon) shopping from your school’s supply list. Does your school...

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Apple of His Eye

Apple of His Eye

🍎Have you ever heard the phrase ‘ you’re the apple of my eye’? If not, be a summer detective and tell us what you discovered. He found him in a desert land, and in the howling waste of the wilderness; he encircled him, he cared for him, he kept him as the apple of his eye. Deuteronomy 32:10-11   For this is what the LORD Almighty says: “Whoever touches you touches the pupil of My eye.” Zechariah 2:8: When that soccer ball is aimed at your eye or when an eyelash, trash, or sand gets in your eye, what’s your immediate reaction? Cover you … 👁! You want to remove that irritating and unwanted grain of sand, right? GOD has so magnificently, fearfully, and wonderfully created every part of us, that the eye begins watering to wash out...

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From Where Does Our Help Come?

From Where Does Our Help Come?

I will lift my eyes to the hills; where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, Maker of heaven and earth! Psalm 121:1-2 I drove through the intensely beautiful scenery of western Maine. Mountains, waterfalls, and vast spruce forests; the region thrilled my soul. I know there is more to life than scenery. But the simple pleasure of experiencing joy and surprise still brings my heart close to the Almighty. Whether I’m driving, motorcycling, or hiking, moments of worship dot the day with each passing scenic pleasure. Psalm 121 announces King David’s exhilaration as he becomes enthralled by the hills where his eyes are lifted. He asks the question, perhaps rhetorically. But many would imagine rescuers bounding over the crests and into view, racing...

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Are We Celebrating God’s Planned and True “Freedom?”

Are We Celebrating God’s Planned and True “Freedom?”

“The person God sets free is free indeed.” John 8:34-38 Jesus said, “I tell you most solemnly that anyone who chooses a life of sin is trapped in a dead-end life and is, in fact, a slave. A slave can’t come and go at will. The Son, though, has an established position, the run of the house. So if the Son sets you free, you are free through and through. (The Message) You are slaves of sin, every one of you. And slaves don’t have rights, but the Son has every right there is! So if the Son sets you free, you will indeed be free.” TLB Many of us made plans for, hosted, or attended barbecues, gatherings, parades, and fireworks celebrations! While we definitely have reason to celebrate, is that reason the greatest one? Before we forget about those...

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Oh, to Be in Hot Water!

Oh, to Be in Hot Water!

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you… Hebrews 13:5 For a week my father had noticed water from the tap was no longer piping hot. It had regressed from giving off vapor to warm to tepid to lukewarm to room temperature. His diagnosis could be seen from the look on his face. The water heater had gone bad. He made a trip to the local distributor and purchased another one similar to the one that was there. We took the afternoon and replaced the defunct appliance. As I was dragging it to another part of the garage, I noticed the date of purchase of this former unit and I mentioned my surprise to my father. “It’s only a few years ago that I replaced the water heater I...

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What Did You Give Dad for Father’s Day?

What Did You Give Dad for Father’s Day?

Listen, my child, to your father’s instruction. (Proverbs 1:8)

“Listen”! This one single word helps to prepare our minds, ears, eyes, and hearts for what’s to follow.

This single four letter word “HEAR” serve as something most important! Somewhat of an attention-getter because what coming next deserves our intentional, on-purpose focus. Teachers, coaches, leaders, and friends use this in our everyday conversations. So, we may have the tendency to do just the opposite. We may hear the attention call ‘listen’ and not do it! Today is a great day to develop your listening skills. By doing so, you gather information that will be new, interesting, fun, and helpful!

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Enjoy a Safe, Healthy, June

Enjoy a Safe, Healthy, June

When you are ‘really’ REALLY upset, frightened, confused, who or what reassures, calms, or comforts you? Some of us are calmed down when we listen to music; others when we hear a familiar, trusted, and kind voice. God’s voice can be trusted. I will be with you; I will not leave you or forsake you.” Joshua 1:5 Drawing, painting, exercising and consuming protein bar are all great ways to “chill.” Some of us eat, eat, and eat more. Would it help you breathe easier, IF there was someone with you Who understood all your details, feelings, and concerns (even though your words don’t say them all). Perhaps it would help if you knew the person’s personal story of their own time of needing some comfort. How about if this Someone...

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Waves of Forgiveness

Waves of Forgiveness

“God, be merciful to me because you are loving. Because you are always ready to be merciful, wipe out all my wrongs.” Psalm 51:1 ICB Have you ever been to the beach and noticed how the waves keep crashing onto the sand? As the wind blows over the ocean, it creates the waves you see crashing and splashing onto the shore. Big waves form with a strong wind, and smaller waves form with a gentle wind. No matter how windy it is, the waves always keep forming in the ocean and roll along until they land on the beach. Do you know what sin is? Sin is when we do things that God doesn’t want us to do- like not listening to your parents or being mean to someone. The Bible tells us that everyone sins. No one can be perfect all the time. It makes God sad when we sin. But...

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‘RUN’ after PEACE

‘RUN’ after PEACE

“They must turn from evil and do good; They must seek peace and pursue it”. 1 Peter 3:11 In your games or competitions of chase, what is your true goal? To chase, run after to catch, right? Peter writes in this verse that God’s followers are to: ✅ Turn away from evil ✅ Do good ✅ Search for PEACE ✅ Chase after PEACE As your school year begins to end, what are your plans? Family vacations/visits; VBS; swim, sleep, read, chores, summer camps, sleep, jobs, sleep, volunteer, and more sleep! Whatever you are doing include the 4 things Peter instructs us to do! You will have many opportunities to do good, helpful, wholesome activities this summer. Think about a few then, list 4 or more as part of your summer plans. Send us a note With your ideas for doing...

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The Moon is Still There!

The Moon is Still There!

Three-year-old Silas pointed at the early evening sky. “Gampa! Is the Moon still there?” He saw it last night, but not today. “Should be.” We walked on. “Can you see the Moon now?” I asked.  Silas leaned around my legs, looking above the neighbor’s rooftop. He tilted his head left, then right. “Peek-a-boo, Moon!” With daylight almost over, we walked around the house. “What about now?” I asked. “Gampa, your house is in the way.” Silas pulled me toward the forest out back. Up the trail was a bright spot reflecting on a puddle. “Gampa, look!” Silas pulled me to where he’d seen the reflection but it had disappeared. “Where did it go, Gampa?” Deep in thought the toddler stared at the water. Then he looked up...

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Honor your Father and Mother

Honor your Father and Mother

Honor your Father and Mother

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Powerful Words

Powerful Words

“Careless words stab like a sword. But wise words can bring healing.” Proverbs 12:18 ICB Have you ever been stung by a bee or tasted the honey it makes? Getting stung by a bee hurts, and tasting its sweet honey is delicious! Maybe you’ve experienced both! Honey bees are hard workers. During the day, each one has a job to do. Whether it’s protecting the bee hive, cleaning it, or gathering nectar from flowers to make honey, each one works hard to take care of its home. At night, bees sleep just like humans do so they can have the energy to work the next day. Honey bees have the power to hurt people with their sting or bring people happiness with their honey. Like bees, we can sting someone’s heart with hurtful words or bring them joy by using sweet ones....

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Fear-Not: Just Being Afraid

Fear-Not: Just Being Afraid

“Fearing The LORD is the start [ beginning] of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding”. Proverbs 9:10 Why did Rahab betray her city of Jericho to the invading Israelites (Joshua 2)? Perhaps, you have read or heard of GOD giving an unusual strategy to Joshua in order to take over a well-protected, locked city! Read this exciting story in your Bible, then answer the question. GOD chose Rahab, a very special woman in Jericho to be an important part His plan for that take over. Without cellphones, tv’s, modern communication or transportation, GOD, His great power, protection, provision and love for His people was  heard of and made known!  She told the two spies: “I know that the LORD has given you this land and that a great fear of you...

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Made to Fly

Made to Fly

Do you ever wake up to birds singing as they fly by your window in the morning? Robins are among the most common birds we see soaring in the sky.

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God’s Peace

God’s Peace

🙌🏾Has GOD awakened you to the cheerful chirping of our feathered friends? Though I do not ‘speak or sing’ the birds’ language, I know it’s delightful, inspiring, and thrilling. Their songs encourage me to sing my own-loudly, joyfully, continually especially knowing my KING JESUS is alive!

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Growing Strong and Beautiful

Growing Strong and Beautiful

“I will always guide you. I will satisfy your needs in a land baked by the sun. I will make you stronger. You will be like a garden that has plenty of water.” Isaiah 58:11 NIrV Have you ever seen a sunflower? Maybe you’ve seen a picture of one. Did you know sunflowers can grow very tall—even taller than you? When a gardener grows a sunflower, he plants a sunflower seed in the ground at the right time of year to get the sunshine and water it needs to become strong and beautiful. Once the seed is planted, it wakes up and sprouts from the earth. The gardener takes good care of the plant as it buds and gets larger. As soon as it finishes growing, the flower gently opens its petals and shows the world its fantastic design and magnificent colors. Like a...

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Blessed, Joyous Celebrations of Our CHRIST

Blessed, Joyous Celebrations of Our CHRIST

E-Early one Sunday morning…an empty tomb⚰️🪓! A-Always with us now… 🌅morning, 🌑night, or 🌞noon S-Son of GOD…Yes! ✝️JESUS ✝️Himself T-Triumphant, 💪🏽victorious…even over death! E-Everlasting, ever-living…eternally R-Resurrection 💥power💥 risen 🕊REDEEMER… for you and me!   ©2024 Penelope White Use with author’s permission. Send requests to Penelope Allen White is a wife, mother of two young adult sons, and grandmother. Her passion is for all children and people to have an intimate knowledge of God. She works as a Christian educator, speaker, church school curriculum writer and teacher, workshop facilitator, middle school counselor, and neighborhood tutor. Despite her busy...

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JESUS           EASTER        ANGEL TOMB          CROSS         ROSE AGAIN STONE         THORNS     CRUCIFIXION   T E S R W S N R O H T D O B E A O Y T F X J N R M T O J E S U S Y R L C B O A T D I E A S T E R S Y V L E G N A J E M O J Q U F M A G P G H K S N B S T O N E R X A U S O X D W M L O H C G I P T C R U C I F I X I O N Print this page and play!  Jennifer Penrose is an author of children’s books. She currently has one book published called I Am God Breathed. She has always had a passion for showing children the love of God and helping them grow in the word. She has worked with toddlers and infants of all abilities and has two, now grown, sons of her own. She wants to write books that are helpful to kids...

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Continue Considering CHRIST During Lent…

Continue Considering CHRIST During Lent…

Think through each day of Jesus’ final week of His earthly life. Traveling the road with JESUS during Holy Week… is fast paced, emotional, and important!  We will read and study Matthew 21 for the next two weeks to be better prepared for HOLY WEEK! As you read, write yourself a few questions and answers.

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Counting Stars

Counting Stars

“He counts the stars and names each one. Our Lord is great and very powerful. There is no limit to what He knows.” Psalm 147:4-5 ICB Have you ever gone outside in the evening, looked up at the dark sky, and noticed the white stars twinkling above you like tiny diamonds? If you tried to count all of them, you’d be there all night. If you tried to name them, you’d run out of names! There are many more stars in the sky than we can see at night, and we cannot know exactly how many there are. The people who study the stars guess there are around two trillion in the universe. That’s a lot! It would be impossible for us to count the stars and give them all a name, but God knows exactly how many there are, and He knows all their names. God knows your name, too,...

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Cloud Maker

Cloud Maker

Do you know how the clouds hang in the sky? They are miracles of God, who knows everything. Job 37:16 ICB Have you ever looked up at the sky and tried to find different shapes in the clouds? If you spend time looking, sometimes you can see clouds that look like dinosaurs, hearts, or whatever you can imagine! God creates clouds in different shapes, colors, and sizes. He spreads them out across the sky, filling them with water, snow, and ice. They water the earth so plants, animals, and people can survive. Clouds also help protect us from the sun’s heat during the day and keep us from getting too cold at night. The next time you hear storm clouds roar with thunder or see fluffy white ones floating in the sky, stop and notice them. God makes clouds to remind us how...

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Choosing Friends Carefully

Choosing Friends Carefully

“Godly people are careful about the friends they choose.” Proverbs 12:26 NIrV Have you ever seen a squishy, fuzzy, cuddly caterpillar wriggling its way down a sidewalk when you’re on a walk or at the park? The creepy-crawly insects that look so cute and cuddly can be tempting to hold and play with, but did you know that type of caterpillar could hurt you if you picked one up? Those caterpillars are called American Dagger caterpillars. They live near trees and have brightly colored, fuzzy-looking hairs that can cause your skin to burn, itch, or form a rash. American Dagger caterpillars might look harmless from the outside, but they can hurt us if we get too close. The same is true about certain people who seem nice on the outside, but the more you get to know...

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Create In Me a Clean Heart, Lord

Create In Me a Clean Heart, Lord

“Create in me a clean heart, O God…” Psalm 51:10 February begins the season of Lent, a time during which we focus on allowing God to help us prepare our hearts and identify with our LORD’s journey to the cross! This process helps us love Him more, understand and appreciate more fully our Easter rejoicing-the resurrection of Jesus. Some of you may have received ashes on your forehead. This age-old practice represents an outward symbol of an inward process. We are humbling ourselves in confessing our sins, praying, studying, becoming closer to our Lord Jesus. Here’s an activity you and your family, church, friends, others can use to represent another symbol of cleansing our ♥️ ✝️ Draw a heart on a sheet of paper 8×10 or...

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Becoming Immovable

Becoming Immovable

“He is strong, like a tree planted by a river. It produces fruit in season. Its leaves don’t die. Everything he does will succeed.” Psalm 1:3 ICB Wouldn’t it be awesome to live to be 200 years old? People can’t live that long, but an oak tree can! Many of them live much longer than that. Did you know an oak tree grows from a tiny acorn? It’s hard to believe something so small can become so giant. While a young oak is busy growing, it can be damaged by strong storms and bad weather. Certain animals, like bugs and caterpillars, like to nibble on the oaks’ leaves, which can also hurt the tree. But as the small tree overcomes these challenges, its leaves reach toward the sky, its roots grow deeper into the ground, and it becomes mighty and...

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God’s Grace To You and Through You for All

God’s Grace To You and Through You for All

How do you demonstrate love? Count the ways! Now that GOD’s ‘new’ has begun, we are ‘new’ in Jesus, and we will begin to learn ‘new’ ways to ❤️ the way God loves! John 15:13 says the greatest love a person can show is to die for his friends. List the ways you can show “The Greatest ❤️”.   Perhaps, some would say it is doing “whatever” a ‘friend’ asks or says. Do you think it’s dressing, thinking, or talking exactly like someone else? Could real love mean overlooking the many differences we have and focusing on the person? Would the “greatest” love mean telling someone only what they want to hear? God Who is perfect love at ALL times teaches us that there is...

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The New You Express

The New You Express

You were taught  to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. (Ephesians 4:22-24) All aboard The New You Express! What excitement as we prepare for a ‘new’ beginning! So many unanswered questions for the adventurous among us. Of course, all the ‘new’ gadgets, devices, games, clothes, toys. A brand ‘new’ year with ‘new’ hairstyles, opportunities, sports, activities, friends! All this kind of newness will soon become the ‘old’. However, if you know or get to know JESUS as your personal Savior and LORD~each day will be totally ‘new’!...

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Holiday Crafts & Activities for Kids!

Holiday Crafts & Activities for Kids!

Hey there, little crafters! 🌟 The most magical time of the year is here, and what better way to celebrate than by making some festive DIY crafts and enjoying fun activities? Let’s explore creative fun using DIY kits and colorful A4 sheets! 🎨 1. DIY New Year Wish Cards 💌 Materials Needed: Colored A4 sheets Glitter glue, stickers, and markers Scissors Craft glue Steps: Fold your A4 sheet in half to make a card shape. Use glitter glue, stickers, and markers to decorate the front of your card. Write your New Year wishes inside, and voila! You’ve made a special card for someone you love. 2. Festive Paper Chains 🎊 Materials Needed: Colored A4 sheets (red, green, gold, and silver) Scissors Craft glue or tape Steps: Cut your A4 sheets into...

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ADVENT In Action Week Four

ADVENT In Action Week Four

JESUS – an excellent, powerful, and glorious name!

Luke 1:31 says:

“You will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.”

What’s your name? Is that the name your grandma and grandpa call you? Your teachers, friends and coaches? How about uncles, aunts or neighbors?

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ADVENT In Action Week Three

ADVENT In Action Week Three

On bended knee more, more and MORE…“On coming to the house, they [wise men] saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” We learned the discipline of bowing in week 2! JESUS is The King of all kings! Let’s continue this practice of bowing at least three times a day to thank, praise, and worship GOD as we consider the magnificent, wonderful, never-ending, everlasting love of GOD in that HE HIMself came to earth in human form to save us. We show honor and respect in bowing. Now, with thanksgiving to God in our hearts, our bodies are made low, let’s bow our words, affections, desires and appetites, treasures and talents,...

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ADVENT In Action Week Two

ADVENT In Action Week Two

ADVENT In Action Healthy, Safe, Peace-filled December! Advent is Going … thanks! Jesus who is king of all kings; He is God Himself ; yet, shows humility by leaving His throne, home, and Father to become a tiny, helpless, human baby during this holy season! Imagine a king doing that for you, for all the world! Yes, everyone! That’s what Jesus did because he loves us! Think of some ways you will not brag or boast about yourself. Actions you can take to show humility and wanting to be more like Jesus. “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature[b] of...

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ADVENT In Action Week One

ADVENT In Action Week One

Advent Week One “On coming to the house, they [wise men] saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” We celebrate the coming of Jesus at Christmas, but Jesus is always coming to us. The heart of Jesus is to come and love us, always. Enjoy this fun way to celebrate Jesus coming to you today and everyday. We encourage kids to reproduce this Jesus Coming activity and add or draw your own pictures next to words that speak to you. Advent week one starts with love from God and Jesus. “Beloved, let us love one another 1 John 4:7 God helps us to prepare our hearts, minds , bodies, and spirits for celebrating JESUS’ birth in the season...

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Get an Attitude of Gratitude!

Get an Attitude of Gratitude!

Be Grateful! Distribute or design your own blank calendar templates for recording daily gratitude goals/plans to express grateful hearts. Discuss with your family and friends how these acts demonstrate a thankful heart. Be grateful! Get an attitude-gratitude! Get an Attitude of Gratitude! Goal: “Every day I will praise YOU, O GOD.” (Psalm 145:2) Example: Smile every morning/during the day/night, tell GOD what you thank HIM for, write a thank you note to parents, grandparents, neighbor, teacher, church/community worker, take a walk, and observe God’s creation or changes in nature. Let GOD know what you appreciate most! SHOUT it aloud. Be grateful! Get an attitude-gratitude! What are your ideas for praising GOD EVERY day? Grateful ♥️ Talking...

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Find the Solution in the Thanks Tank!

Find the Solution in the Thanks Tank!

“For God, Who gives seed to the farmer to plant, and later on good crops to harvest and eat, will give you more and more seed to plant and will make it grow so that you can give away more and more fruit from your harvest . . . Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:10-15 (TLB). Yes, God will give us much so that we can give away much! When we take our gifts to those who need them they will break out into thanksgiving and praise to God for His [our] help. Thanksgiving to our GOD continues into Advent/December (and forever) for the greatest Gift—His Son, our Savior and Lord JESUS CHRIST, JESUS be exalted, glorified, and magnified as we bow down and worship! Yes, let us adore and make room for HIM, CHRIST the LORD! Joy to the...

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Thankful Tree

Thankful Tree

Falling Into Gratitude “It is a good thing to give thanks to The LORD…” Psalm 92:1 Banner: “Thankful tree, falling into gratitude.” Focus: Think of 3 people or blessings for which you can be thankful. Some falls are just FUN…piles of leaves, pillows, comforters, clothes… Preschool-kindergarten Students think of 3 people or things for whom or for which they are thanking GOD (i.e. dad/mom/family; favorite food; singing; pets; ). Write your list and use photos, magazine pictures, etc. of your list. Now, write them on a practice sheet. Parents, family, teacher, or helper checks students’ list for accuracy and neatness. Students are then given leaf-shaped paper to color and write the names of 3 people or things for which they can be thankful. Glue or...

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Truth or Tricks!

Truth or Tricks!

The Truth we fall for JESUS-HE never LEAVES GOD has all power, wisdom, strength, might, and authority! Did you know there are some things God can’t and won’t do? YES, that’s right! He always tells the truth. One of GOD’s names is ‘Truth’. The true and living LORD is not like humans and our enemy Satan. GOD never ever lies! Imagine you have been promised a long-awaited deep desire by this special Someone who loves you, tells you the truth/whole truth, and has your best interest at heart at all times. This Someone knows you so well, He knows what is in your heart and mind. He knows exactly what is ideal for you! He is an eternal, true Promise Keeper with an outstanding, excellent, perfect track record having kept all of HIS many promises from the...

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God-given Dream, Vision, and Goal(S)!

God-given Dream, Vision, and Goal(S)!

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions”. Joel 2:28 “I have a dream” are perhaps the most quoted and memorable words of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. God wants those words to be yours and mine as well. Do you have an idea, desire, or concern that keeps getting your attention? Is there something you can begin to do that improves the lives of others? An issue, challenge, or project that’s ‘pulling’ on your heart’? Pray about this and start seeking God’s wisdom, direction, and guidance! Ask GOD to help you discuss this with your parents, guardians, and...

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Stay Healthy and Safe With God’s Good Guidelines

Stay Healthy and Safe With God’s Good Guidelines

GOD our loving, protective, all-wise, all-knowing Father establishes guidelines within His enormity of grace, freedom, and love for our benefit. He fully understands the havoc, insecurity, guilt, shame, and destruction of the consequences we will reap without His boundaries. In the perfect setting of Eden, there was a loving provision of protection. The Law, Ten Commandments, and all of scripture was written for our well-being that is to be in a wholesome, right relationship with our Maker, our neighbor, ourselves! All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 God’s love mirrors God’s boundaries. Often,...

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We Can Soar With Christ

We Can Soar With Christ

“My mommy says I can do anything.” The young eight-year-old girl said as she climbed up and into the aircraft with authority. She fixed the seat belt around her and looked forward, seeing only the yoke. “I can’t see!” she pouted. “Here this will help.” Jenna held her up and slid a seat extension under her. Lena sat down and a big smile covered her face. “Much better,” she said. “I’m ready.” “Let’s get this plane in the air, Lena.” Jenna gave instructions to all the girls at Aviation Boot Camp. “I like your confidence, Lena.” Jenna smiled as she lifted the plane off the ground and started the downwind leg of the flight. “I like your confidence too, Miss Jenna.” “Since you can’t touch the rudder pedals, I’ll do...

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What and Why Do You Save?

What and Why Do You Save?

Believe in your heart. Say it with your mouth — Jesus is God’s Son; He died, rose for me! If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 What and why do you save? Is it because this is very rare, beautiful, precious, and valuable? Perhaps someone special made this just for you. You most likely want to keep it safe and secure! All of this and so much more is precisely why Jesus gave His life to save us. Unlike ‘what’ you save, we must choose to be saved.  As it reads in God’s Word Romans 10:9, we must believe that Jesus died, God raised Him from the dead! God’s plan to save us is amazing; yet a part of that plan is as easy as our  A,...

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Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom

Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom

Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom: A Guide for Our Own Prayers

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Change Is In the Air

Change Is In the Air

“I am The Lord and I change not” (Malachi 3:6). Change in our surroundings is evident—the long days of summer are ending. For many, a new school year is already in session! Yellow limousines are back on the roads and streets. Back-to-school sale signs are everywhere. Can you feel it? Do you see it? Do you sense the CHANGE? During this season, we are thanking GOD and praying for each of you. We are reminded of the fact that to EVERYTHING, there is a season (Ecc. 3:1). Change can be productive, unsettling, frightening, and/or effective—whatever else it proves to be—it is certain, inevitable, for sure. Enjoy and learn from reading this month about Joshua, who had served Israel’s great leader Moses, but change was on the horizon. Joshua...

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Who-What Are You Looking at Now?

Who-What Are You Looking at Now?

Who-What are you thinking about and looking at now? Keep your eyes and your mind on JESUS! “The Lord Who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.” (1 Samuel 17:37) Have you read or heard the Bible story of David (shepherd boy) and Goliath (9-foot giant)? Read this thrilling story in 1 Samuel 17! David knew about God’s strength, love, and protection. Caring for wayward, needy, hungry, hurt, and lost sheep was no small task. There were dangers by dark, cold, sleepless nights; wild animals looking for a fat, tasty ‘lamb’ chop. One day, David’s dad gives him a sheep break, then he sent him on a ‘pizza’ (cheese and bread) delivery to his big brothers who...

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God’s Continued Wisdom, Mercy, Grace

God’s Continued Wisdom, Mercy, Grace

Why? When? Oh, how? Ecclesiastes 7: 23- “I am determined to be wise”—     but this was beyond me. Whatever exists is far off and most profound—     who can discover it? So I turned my mind to understand,     to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things You can ask God ANYthing! Yes, ANYthing… really go ahead, ask about ANYthing, and EVERYthing! Others may tire of your countless and endless questions, not our Father! He invites and welcomes our endless inquiring because He created us to learn especially about Him! You are in the company of many faithful followers and believers when you ask questions. Moses, Abraham, Sarah, David, Esther, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Deborah, Paul, Mary, Peter, and John. Just know that He is an...

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Let Me Help You With That!

Let Me Help You With That!

Mark 15:21 states, “A certain man from Cyrene, Simon, the father of Alexander and Rufus, was passing by on his way in from the country, and they forced him to carry the cross.” Do you know the feeling of being overwhelmed, struggling to carry a heavy load, and feeling so exhausted that you start to stumble? Then suddenly, someone stronger comes along and reaches out to lift you or your burden. That simple yet incredibly significant act saves you, brings relief, and helps you in ways for which you cannot express enough gratitude. Take a moment to look around and consider small acts of service that God may be guiding you to do this summer. Think about things like organizing, cleaning, helping others, or even running errands. Write down some...

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JESUS … Be Lifted Higher!

JESUS … Be Lifted Higher!

Jesus – a beautiful, powerful, and glorious name! Luke 1:31 states, “You will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.” What’s your name? Is that the name your grandma and grandpa call you? Your teachers and coaches? How about uncles and aunts? Jesus… what a beautiful name it is! It’s a powerful, loving, and sweet name with so much authority. It is a name given by God and has dominion above all other names. This name is so unique that at this name, all people everywhere will eventually bow, honor this name, and call Him LORD! Jesus is known as Savior, The Good Shepherd, The Way, The Truth, The Life; King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Living Water; Living Bread, Bright and Morning Star. Here are some activities...

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“Can we feed the chickens?” The children had arrived at the farm, and were ready for work. First they measured a big helping of chicken feed. Then they washed out the waterer and refilled it with fresh, clean water for their feathered-friends to drink. “My favorite is that one.” One of the girls pointed to Faithfulness, a black and white speckled hen. “Mine is Joy,” said another girl. Joy was pure white and treasured by many of the kids. “I love Friar Cluck,” added a third girl with shining eyes. “Can we catch them now?” The chickens were done eating and drinking, so I nodded my approval. The girls ran, and the chickens ran, too. Running was part of the fun! Before long, each girl gently held their best-loved chicken. Wide smiles proved that...

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Go To the Ant

Go To the Ant

Go To the Ant

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Jesus is the Living Water

Jesus is the Living Water

H2O… the way to go… to get and stay fit for GOD’s kingdom building work. JESUS is the living water. He is Who we need, yearn for, crave! He alone satisfies! When the woman at the well asked how Jesus would draw water, he answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life” John 4:13-14 (NIV). Water Is Important to Life Make a list of things that need water. Think about your list. Are YOU on that list? All living things need water. GOD MADE OUR BODIES in a very amazing and unique way. WE ARE FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE (Psalm 139). If we are in Christ then God lives...

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What’s Bugging You?

What’s Bugging You?

Summer is fast approaching, and with it comes lots of fun. Boating, swimming, camping, celebrations and family cookouts make the summertime awesome. Who doesn’t love sitting on the grass waiting for fireworks to begin after spending a happy day with family and friends? But then come the mosquitos. Biting insects, poison ivy and sunburns can quickly turn a great day into an upsetting one. All the swatting, scratching and moisturizing only soothe the problem momentarily. If we have allowed our parents to apply sunscreen or insect repellent and if we have followed their directions to stay away from certain areas where danger might lurk, we find we are much more content at the end of the day. Sometimes the things that bug us come from our emotions. We might have a...

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Don’t Be Afraid to Fly Your Plane

Don’t Be Afraid to Fly Your Plane

“Don’t be afraid to fly the plane, Catlin.” Mike coached her gently. Catlin felt like she was always late, always wrong. Her self-esteem was low, and any nearby adult could spot it. Her parents allowed her to attend Aviation Boot Camp at the last minute when they had heard a scholarship was available. “Here do like me, make your hands like mine.” She looked at Mike’s hand position on the yoke and copied it. “Good Job!” Catlin smiled and started to relax. The troubles of her teenage life were far below as the plane climbed to new heights. “Jesus says in Jeremiah 17:7 ‘But blessed is the one who trust in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,’” Mike said. “I believe you can do this.” He removed his hands from the yoke. “I’m...

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Each week let us continue to seek GOD, pray, read, mediate, study then practice GOD’s Word by being a cheerful giver! Have you received or earned, money, supplies, games or gift cards? Do the math and decide to give at least ten percent to someone in need. Save at least ten percent for yourself in a childrens isa account. 1. Your aunt and uncle kindly gifted you with $20.00! How much will you give ______ and save ______? Who or what guided you in your decision______________________________? 2. Last month you were gifted five new shirts. Would you donate one to a person who needs clothing? Which Bible verse or teachings helped you to decide ______________________? 3.  During the next three months you will receive or earn @$125.00/each week. How much will you...

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Thanks Be to God 

Thanks Be to God 

“For God, who gives seed to the farmer to plant, and later on good crops to harvest and eat, will give you more and more seed to plant and will make it grow so that you can give away more and more fruit from your harvest . . . Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:10-15 (TLB). Yes, God will give you much so that you can give away much, and when we take your gifts to those who need them they will break out into thanksgiving and praise to God for your help. Thanksgiving to our GOD continues into Advent/December (and forever) for the greatest Gift—His Son, our Savior JESUS CHRIST—be exalted, glorified, and magnified as we bow down and worship! Yes, come let us adore HIM, CHRIST the LORD! Joy to the World! T-thanking H-HIM...

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Be like Maisie

Be like Maisie

Maisie got along with everybody. She was often found standing close by her pasture buddies. Waiting patiently for her food, Maisie made sure her friends got enough to eat before she meandered over to the remaining dish.   If someone stood by the fence to say hello, Maisie made sure to trot over and give a nuzzle. She was “others-centered.” Now stuck for months in a 12 x 12 stall with a severe leg injury, Maisie did not become cranky. She watched the farmer sweeping the center aisle of the barn. She figured she could sweep, too. When a broom was left nearby, she went ahead and tried it. Another way she could stay busy was to put her halter on by herself. She worked to free it from where it hung on the door. It was fun to help with the chores. Maisie loved...

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Advent In Action – Week 3 — On Bended Knees

Advent In Action – Week 3 — On Bended Knees

Scripture reading, memorization—Matthew 2:11 “On coming to the house, they [wise men] saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” Advent In Action We learned the discipline of bowing in week 2! Let’s continue this practice to bow at least three times a day to thank, praise, worship GOD as we consider the magnificent, wonderful, never-ending, everlasting love of GOD in that HE HIMself came to earth in human form to save us. We show honor and respect in bowing. Now, with thanksgiving to God in our hearts, our bodies are made low, let’s bow our words affections , desires and appetites , treasures and talents thoughts ,...

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Do TREES Tell Stories?

Do TREES Tell Stories?

You might know that the outer covering of a tree is called “bark.” BUT— trees do not bark like dogs! The bark of a tree is a protective “skin.” Inside the tree’s bark layer is their story. If you were to cut out a section of a tree and study it, you would see many rings. You could also see scars that look like dark spots. These marks tell us that something unusual happened to the tree at that time. Perhaps there was a hot forest fire, or a lightning strike. A tree tells its age by how many rings we can count in the “tree cookie.” It is really fun to learn a tree’s special story. Thin rings indicate a lack of water and light. Thick rings mean the tree had plenty of water and light during that year and it grew a lot. One of Jesus’ names is...

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Is There a Doctor in the BARN?

Is There a Doctor in the BARN?

Could a kitten be a doctor?  Can bees be teachers?  Can horses help you use your body better?  You bet! Nuzzling and stroking a kitten sends soothing messages to our brains. Watching kittens run, jump and play makes us laugh–sometimes out loud!  We want to share the funny stories with our family and friends, and we smile again as we do it. Our senses come alive when we are near a big animal like a horse.  Horses are cool, they have a particular scent, we hear them whinny and snort, it is fun to brush and groom them, and they respond differently to loud or soft voices. For horseback riding Smith Mountain Lake, call Slocum Appaloosa Ranch. Horses have rhythmic movements, too, and these movements help riders learn balance and posture.  As we learn to move...

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Advent In Action – Week 2 — Humble Ourselves

Advent In Action – Week 2 — Humble Ourselves

Jesus Who is King of all kings; He is God Himself shows humility by leaving His, throne, home, Father to become a tiny, helpless, human baby during this season! Imagine a King doing that for you, for all the world! Yes, everyone! That’s what JESUS did because HE loves us! Think of some ways you will not brag or boast about yourself. Actions you can take to show humility and wanting to more like Jesus. Scripture reading, memorization—Philippians 2:5-11 “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature[b] of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being...

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Advent In Action – Week 1 — Put Your Faith In GOD to Work

Advent In Action – Week 1 — Put Your Faith In GOD to Work

We celebrate the coming of Jesus at Christmas, but Jesus is always coming to us. The heart of Jesus is to come and love us, always. Enjoy this fun way to celebrate Jesus coming to you today and everyday. We encourage kids to reproduce this Jesus Coming activity and add or draw your own pictures next to words that speak to you. – Devokids Staff “Beloved, let us love one another 1 John 4:7 God helps us to prepare our hearts, minds , bodies, and spirits for celebrating JESUS’ birth . GET READY , ALL SET, now LOVE! Week 1: “Love one another.” Scripture reading, memorization—1 John 4: 7, 8 “On coming to the house, they [wise men] saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their...

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Aviation Boot Camp—Soaring Like an Eagle

Aviation Boot Camp—Soaring Like an Eagle

Jaxson was in a wheelchair, and he waited alone for his turn in the airplane. He wanted to fly and feel a different excitement that he hadn’t had in his life. He was ready for a life of adventure. He was coddled and often stopped from taking risks by his parents but they gave him this new opportunity and he was not going to waste it. The instructor lifted Jaxson from his chair and cautiously set him in the airplane. “Ready to spread your wings?” he said excitedly. Ned was an Aviation Boot Camp pilot and loved teaching kids the joy of flying. Jaxson nodded his crooked head. Jaxson suffered from Spina Bifida. His earthly body would find joy in life in a different way than the other boys his age. Jaxson understood that nothing could stop his mind from soaring...

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I Can Do All Things…Including The Unicycle

I Can Do All Things…Including The Unicycle

I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 It all started in kindergarten when I saw the unicycle team. I thought, cool, I’m going to do that. When I became a third grader I got to fill out a form and ride a unicycle. A couple of weeks later, I was excited to open a letter and find out I was going to be a Fairview Flyer. I went to my first unicycle practice excited, but nervous because I had never done it before. The coach lined us all up by size and gave us a unicycle. We each got a partner or two. I saw someone ride a couple pedals and I thought, well, it’s my turn. I started loosening my grip on the person’s shoulder and then brrring! The bell interrupted and I had to go to class. Over the weekend, I was glued to the unicycle...

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Lucky Gets Healed

Lucky Gets Healed

Lucky the goat had a stomach ache. There was no food in the little room where she was living. She tried to nibble the carpet. It did not taste good. One day a nice lady rescued Lucky and brought her to a farm. Lucky could hear another goat bleating in the distance. Lucky tried to bleat a “hello” in response, but her voice was very weak. Lucky’s brown and white fur was washed with gentle hands. Her thin body shivered despite the warm day. Could this be her new home, she wondered, while nibbling on delicious fresh hay and leaves. The next day, children gathered around Lucky’s pen. “We all have times when we don’t feel well, and even our bones seem tired. When these times happen our prayers can be like a fresh breath of life for each other. Let’s pray...

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Eating a Special Food on New Year’s Day?

Eating a Special Food on New Year’s Day?

When I was a little girl, my dad insisted that I eat at least one spoonful of black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day. It was supposed to bring good luck. I didn’t like them. Eating even a spoonful seemed like a high price to pay for good luck in the new year. Folks from the southern United States eat black-eyed peas on January 1st. Cornbread is another favorite in that section of the country. Eating green, leafy vegetables, supposed to resemble money, bring prosperity. Citizens in Spain eat 12 grapes at midnight. Each grape represents one month of the year. If the fifth and sixth grape taste especially bad, for example, May and June might be a little difficult. Germans, Austrians, and Hungarians—among others—eat pork on New Year’s. Pigs signify progress....

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First Children’s Christmas Party at the White House

First Children’s Christmas Party at the White House

by Sandra Merville Hart President John Adams and First Lady Abigail Adams didn’t have the warmest of homes at the White House in 1800. Their Pennsylvania Avenue home, built near a swamp, was drafty and cold. Large fires crackled in thirteen fireplaces to warm their home. In 1800, as Christmas approached the President and First Lady decided to host a children’s Christmas party. Their four-year-old granddaughter, Susanna Boylston Adams, lived with them and they wanted to honor her. Greenery was hung to decorate the East Room. Government officials and their children were invited to the party. A small orchestra played while guests munched on cakes and drank punch. They sang Christmas carols and played games. The party was a great success with one exception. One of...

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A Christmas Tradition: Christmas Trees

A Christmas Tradition: Christmas Trees

Did you know …?   A small fir tree, set on a table in a home in Latvia, a country in northern Europe, was called a Christmas tree in 1510. According to legend, Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) saw starlight peeking through the branches of fir trees on a cold December evening as he walked home through the woods. The first lighted Christmas tree After he went home, Martin wanted to capture the look of the starlight through the branches. He tied a candle holder onto a branch of the evergreen Christmas tree in his house. He liked how the flame of the candle looked and tied more candleholders onto the tree. It impressed his family and friends, who did the same to the trees in their homes. The meaning of the Christmas tree Martin saw meaning in the Christmas...

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Twelve Days of Christmas

Twelve Days of Christmas

Twelve Days of Christmas Crossword Puzzle Puzzle Words The answers are: Partridge doves hens pipers geese swans maids birds ladies lords rings drummers Hints: Across 2. one 6. nine 7. six 9. four 10. eight 11. ten Down 1. three 3. five 4. two 5. eleven 8. twelve 12. seven More Hints: Twelve lords leaping Eleven ladies dancing Ten pipers piping Nine durmmers drumming Eight maids milking Seven swans swimming Six geese laying Five gold rings Four colly birds Three french hens Two turles doves A partridge in a pear tree Twelve Days of Christmas Number Puzzle Try to fill in the missing numbers. The missing numbers are integers between 2 and 10. The numbers in each row add up to totals to the right. The numbers in each column add up to the totals along the bottom. The...

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A Surprising Way to Celebrate Christmas and New Years in the Early 1800s

A Surprising Way to Celebrate Christmas and New Years in the Early 1800s

A surprising way those living in the country celebrated Christmas and New Years in the early 1800s was with Shooting and Raffling Matches. A generous person bought gifts Someone in the community bought generous amounts of Golden Bloom Coffee for Sale, tea, and other goods and wrapped them in many small packages. These goods would then be raffled off at a specific price per chance. Shooting at a target took place during the day with a rifle. Raffles happened in the evening. Raffle winners found by coins in a hat To find raffle winners, copper cents were tossed into a hat, shaken up, and thrown on the table by a chance holder. The most number of heads in a certain number of throws decided the winner of the prize. Shooting New Year Shooting New Year was another...

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Even Sea Turtles Praise the Lord

Even Sea Turtles Praise the Lord

Have you ever heard a sea turtle praise the Lord? Well, when they do the things the Lord made them to do, that’s when they praise Him. Did you know that the Lord had a purpose in mind when He made you? Your purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. One way you can do that is by telling Him just how great He is.

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Let’s Go Shopping

Let’s Go Shopping

Do you like to go shopping for new school clothes? How about a trip to the grocery store to pick up a box of your favorite cookies? Or the toy store, where maybe your mom or dad let you pick out something you would really like for your birthday. Each store sells certain items. You would not go to the toy section to look for cookies, and I doubt you would find very interesting clothes at the grocery store. Unleash your inner hero at the Cosplay Store with costumes for every fandom. It is the same with magazines. If you are looking for a place to sell your story, you need to send it to the types of magazines that are interested in what you write. Many adult publications feature non-fiction articles or stories. You see them at the check-out counters all the time. The...

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Pepe the Parrot’s Predicament

Pepe the Parrot’s Predicament

Hundreds of birds lived in the trees, and they all worked together to help each other. They huddled together in the trees to stay dry when it rained. When there was little food because of the flooding in the valley, they all shared their gatherings of seeds and grain from the fields. But not Pepe. He didn’t share the bananas that were put on his plate daily; neither did he use his ability to speak for them when they needed help. One day, the birds heard a bang and then a thump; a bird fell to the ground. Quickly, the birds in the trees swooped down to see if the little bird survived the fall. Was he breathing? They couldn’t tell as they gathered around him. “Quick, Pepe, go to the window and call for the boy, Ben. He will know what to do.”  Pepe mumbled...

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M&M Fun for Halloween

M&M Fun for Halloween

  You will need: A.      M&Ms or Skittles B.      Cup of water The small letters on M&Ms and on Skittles are actually made with an edible ink and are a little different than the hard sugar coating on the outside. Take a small, clear cup and pour water in it until you have a couple of inches of water in the cup. Place your M&M or Skittle in the water and watch the outside coating disappear. When the coating has dissolved, the little letter will rise to the top and float on the water. You may have to be patient. Sometimes, it takes several minutes to dissolve. Beth...

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Do You Have Your Camera?

Do You Have Your Camera?

Have you ever thought about writing a story? If so you will need a camera. I’m not talking about a real camera that takes pictures, but an imaginary camera that sits right on your shoulder and keeps an eye on your words. This pretend camera helps you see the world through the eyes of your character. In writing we call this: POV) point of view. Place your imaginary camera in your character’s hand. The things he or she sees, hears, smells, tastes, touches, feels, and thinks can only be told from the point of view of the person who is holding the camera. Let’s pretend that you and your friend are characters in your story and you are the point of view character. In your story, your friend is drinking a cup of hot chocolate. What are some of the things you cannot...

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Autumn Snack Attack

Autumn Snack Attack

On seeds I’ll feed to meet my need; then share some seed for those in need. That’s my good deed. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. Genesis 1:29 NIV What you will need: Small packages or 1 cup each of unsalted Sunflower seeds Pumpkin seeds Cashew nuts Almond slivers or any other unsalted nut of your choice 1 packet of Taco seasoning mix (Note: a great place to find varieties of nuts is at Whole Foods or similar markets and stores.)   Pre-heat oven to 300 degrees Place nuts and seeds in large mixing bowl Sprinkle Taco seasoning mix over nuts Stir to coat Spread nuts in a thin layer on a cookie sheet   Watch carefully so...

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The Last Supper

The Last Supper

The Last Supper: On the first day of a celebration called the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the disciples asked Jesus, “Where would you like to eat the Passover feast?” Jesus told his followers to go into the city and find a man. He instructed his disciples to tell the man He would like to come to his house for Passover. The Jews celebrated Passover, also known as the feast of unleavened bread, since the time of Moses, when the Lord saved all the Israelite babies— including Moses. The celebration is called Passover because God “passed over” their houses, and they were kept safe. During Passover celebrations people didn’t eat or have any bread in their homes with yeast in it. Yeast is what makes the bread rise. Without yeast the bread is flat, and that is...

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Staying Connected

Staying Connected

“Those who know your name will trust in you,  for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.” (Psalm 9:10) Over the Thanksgiving holiday I visited my parents. They live out in the country where there is no cable, no internet, and the cell phone reception is kind of spotty. For four days I couldn’t check my e-mail or work on the internet. I lost touch with all my Facebook friends and wasn’t able to answer my e-mail. I was disconnected. I began thinking about how not seeing or talking to friends regularly can cause them to become disconnected. Disconnection often causes friendships to fall apart. As I thought about my friendship with God, it made me think how important it is to stay connected to Him through regular prayer and reading His...

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Jesus and the Man on the Roof

Jesus and the Man on the Roof

A few days after Jesus had touched a man who had leprosy and made him better, Jesus was going from town to town performing miracles. Everyone wanted to see Him. As Jesus entered one of the homes in Capernaum, people quickly gathered around him. There was a huge crowd. People pushed and shoved to get closer.

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Call 911 for Help . . . And Ice Cream

Call 911 for Help . . . And Ice Cream

By Megan Breedlove And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Ephesians 6:18 After I became a 911 police dispatcher I discovered people call 911 for all different reasons other than an emergency. One lady called demanding that an officer bring her ice cream. Another wanted to report that her pizza had too many peppers on it. People called wanting to know what time it was, when they needed directions, or to ask the lyrics of a song. There are certain kinds of calls that are not appropriate for 911.  But fortunately, there are no kinds of prayers that are not appropriate for God. You can pray any time, for any reason. A test at school?  Not too small for God to care about. Needing to know what to say to a friend?  Not too...

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The Melt and Pour Method   Supplies can be bought at craft stores. dyes fragrance blocks of clear soap Shea butter soap molds and soap cutters or small cookie cutters spray bottle of rubbing alcohol Kitchen Utensils: saran wrap, knife, glass measuring cup, microwave oven Cut off a few blocks, add to glass measuring cup, and melt in microwave.  After the soap is melted, add dye and fragrance.    The fragrance box explains how to mix scents. Pour the melted soap in to the soap mold.  Cut small pieces of shea butter soap with mold.   Add the small shea butter soaps to your large soap mold before it hardens.   Spray with rubbing alcohol to destroy soap bubbles.   Soap hardens as it cools and then, you can pop the soap out of the molds. Wrap the soap up...

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Back Talk

Back Talk

“Not fair!” the kid said. “Don’t you back talk,” the dad said. Has anyone ever told you not to back talk or sass? My dad use to say, “Don’t you give me any lip.” I knew I’d better shut-up! Sassing or back talking means you’ve spoken disrespectfully to an adult. If you’ve been daring enough to back talk, then you may have also heard, “You’re grounded,” or “Go to your room.” Adults expect children to obey and not question their authority. Even when you don’t understand, obey your parents. (Hint…if you ask for an answer respectfully, you may get an answer.) Guess who allows back talk? Your father in heaven wants you to talk back to Him. Of course, you’ll have to keep reading because back talking God is different from back talking...

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Aviation Boot Camp Daredevil

Aviation Boot Camp Daredevil

James was an aviation boot camp daredevil. He wanted excitement and action. He was ready for a life of adventure whatever that meant. He imagined that the pilot could see his body rhythmically bouncing to the strong banging of his heart. His adrenaline was at full force in his small body. “Ready to do some G force maneuvers?” The instructor said excitedly, only adding to the pump James already felt. Danny was an Aviation Boot Camp pilot and loved teaching kids the fun of flying. “This is great!” James shouted into the headset microphone. “No need to shout, You’re right in my ear.” Danny smiled. James lifted off his seat after a steep climb and then a sudden drop as the plane headed toward the earth with a force. “Your seatbelt kept you from hitting...

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Little Flowers with Super Powers

Little Flowers with Super Powers

If you had sailed long ago on the Mayflower, what would you have packed for the trip? Clothes? Food? Toys? Scientists think some Mayflower passengers packed dandelions—little flowers with super powers—to grow in their New World gardens. Little Flowers with Super Powers That’s right. Those fuzzy, sunshiny flowers that pop up in our lawns came to America with the Pilgrims. Today many people think dandelions are just weeds. So why did the Pilgrims bring them? Because even though they’re little, dandelions have super powers. Each part of a dandelion has a super power. Dandelion flowers come out in early spring and feed bees hungry from winter hibernation. Dandelion roots dig deep. They break up the soil so other plants can sink their roots deep, too. Dandelion...

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Recipe for DISASTER!

Recipe for DISASTER!

Breakfast Monkey Bread—Recipe for DISASTER! by Phoebe Leggett and Chef Samantha Your friends will think you’re a genius No longer will you be a bore. But then there is just one more worry ‘cause cooking can become your chore. What you’ll need: 3 cans buttermilk biscuits 1 stick butter 1 cup brown sugar Tear biscuits into small pieces and place in a round pan. Melt butter in a cup in the microwave. Add sugar to melted butter. Drizzle over top of biscuits. Bake in oven 35-45 minutes at 350 degrees. Yummy. Yummy. Yummy. About the Author Phoebe Leggett is the recipient of two poetry awards from Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference. Her poems, articles, and short stories have appeared in Slate & Style, Shemom, MS Focus, Who’s DANN, MS...

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Kool-Aid Dyed Yarn

Kool-Aid Dyed Yarn

Kool-Aid Dyed Yarn: What you need: Skeins of light colored yarn. (If it is in a center, pull skein, un-wind it and put it into a loop or loose skein.) Packets of unsweetened drink mix (Kool-Aid or other brand). Vinegar – You will need about ¼ cup per quart of water. Pot for the stove top. Adult supervision required! Let’s get started.  First you will need to pre-soak the yarn in cool water for about 20 minutes and then squeeze out the excess.  This will allow the dye to be more evenly absorbed. Place water in a saucepan and add as much or as little of the drink mix as you want.  Remember, you can get creative here and do some mixing to make up your own colors.  Add vinegar—this doesn’t have to be an exact amount, it just helps your fiber absorb the...

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Moses In a Basket

Moses In a Basket

Moses In a Basket—The family members of Joseph were called Israelites or Hebrews. The Israelites continued to have children until there were too many to count. Most of the Israelites lived in Egypt. There were also a lot of people called Egyptians. A new king who was called Pharaoh came into power in Egypt. He didn’t like it that there were so many Israelites. He feared they would take over the land. So he decided to make all the Israelites into slaves. He made them work from early in the morning till late at night doing very hard work. Even if they were tired the Egyptians wouldn’t give them a break, they would just make them work harder. But, in spite of this harsh treatment, the Israelites continued to grow in number so he decided to make a law. If any...

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The Parable of the Good Samaritan

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

A man asked Jesus, “Teacher, what should I do so I can go to Heaven and live forever?” Jesus replied, “What is written in the Bible? What do you think?” The man answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.” “That is right!” Jesus said. “Do this and you will live forever in Heaven.” But the man wanted to know more so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus decided to answer this question with a parable to help everyone who was listening understand. Jesus told this story: There once was a Jewish man walking along a road. He was coming from Jerusalem and was heading to Jericho, which was a full day or two of walking. The road was rocky and there...

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Be Bold for Jesus

Be Bold for Jesus

Lucy was so excited! Her family would be hosting a foreign exchange student from Iran. The girl’s name was Farah, and she was sixteen. Even though they were different ages, Lucy and Farah became good friends. Farah would read to Lucy and take her to the park. The more they talked, Lucy realized that her new friend didn’t know about Jesus. So… Lucy began telling Farah about the Gospel, and guess what? Farah decided to give her life to Christ. Have you ever met someone who didn’t know Jesus? How did you share your faith with them? The next time you meet a non-Christian, pray about ways that you can talk to them about Jesus. Dear Jesus, Help me to share the gospel with non-believers so they might come to know you. For I am not ashamed of the gospel,...

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Spiritual Eyes

Spiritual Eyes

In the deepest parts of the ocean there is a sea creature called the colossal squid which can grow up to 45 feet long! This squid has eyes the size of watermelons! God gave the squid large eyes so it can be on the lookout for predators. Having good eyesight is important for a squid, but it’s also important for us in our spiritual lives. We have our regular eyes, but we also have something called “spiritual eyes.” When we see with spiritual eyes it means that we look at the world the way God looks at it. Instead of judging someone for how they look, we can try to look at their heart and appreciate them for their kindness. Or, instead of looking down on someone who is homeless, we can look at them as a child of God and try to give them some help. What are some...

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Anxious for Nothing

Anxious for Nothing

Karen’s mom asked her to do something that seemed impossible—to go next door and invite the new neighbors to church. Karen’s hand shook ask she reached for the doorbell. Meeting new people made her so nervous! But as she rang the bell, she prayed, “Dear Jesus, be with me as I meet this family. Help me to be calm and guide my words as I speak.” Jesus gave her a sense of peace, and it was easy for her to welcome the family and invite them to church. We all go through times when we feel nervous. What situations make you feel this way? Whether you’re nervous for the first day of school, a doctor’s appointment, or a recital, you can always call upon Jesus, and he will be there to help you.   Dear Jesus, Give me peace and comfort when I feel...

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Magnificent Birds – Large and Small

Magnificent Birds – Large and Small

Did you know that there are more than 9,000 species of birds in the world? One of the largest species is the Andean Condor. These massive black and white birds live in South America and can weigh up to 33 pounds. Due to their weight, they have a hard time flying, so they prefer to glide on the wind. When they’re hungry, they soar along the coast, looking for dead fish or whales to eat. Unlike the huge Andean Condor, the Costas Hummingbird is a tiny creature, weighing only .11 ounces. They have a gray body with a beautiful purple head and a long beak for getting nectar from flowers. Unlike Andean Condors, who have difficulty flying, Costa Hummingbirds are experts. They flap their wings 4000 times per minute so they can stay up in the air while eating. Although...

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Have you Heard?

Have you Heard?

McKenna leaned over to Rory in Social Studies class and whispered, “Did you know that Sarah made an F on her math test yesterday?” Rory’s eyes widened. “Really?” he said. He turned around and told the person behind him. The news spread quickly, and by the end of the day, everyone knew about Sarah’s test grade. The next day, Sarah heard a couple of girls talking about her in the bathroom. “Did you hear that Sarah made an F on the test?” they were saying. Sarah wondered, “Why on earth are they talking about me? It’s not even true. I made a B on the test!” She began to cry. Sarah’s classmates were gossiping, or spreading hurtful messages about her behind her back. Oftentimes, when people gossip, the message that gets passed along isn’t even...

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Search and Rescue—Dolphin Style!

Search and Rescue—Dolphin Style!

Did you know that a dolphin only sleeps with half its brain? That’s right! Staying “half-awake” keeps dolphins safe from predators and allows them to breathe while they are sleeping. As cool as that is, there’s something even more fascinating about dolphins that you should know. Dolphins take care of each other when they are injured! A few years ago, a group of dolphins off the coast of South Korea formed a “raft” with their bodies to carry a female that had been wounded. Now that’s friendship! Need a lawyer? Personal injury lawyers have a proven track record of winning cases for accident victims. Just as dolphins work hard to help each other out, God calls us to take care of each other as well. Do you know someone in a nursing home whom you could...

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Growing in Gratitude

Growing in Gratitude

Jimmy ran to the window to see if his guests had arrived. He couldn’t wait for his birthday party to start! He helped his mom blow up balloons, then he tied them to the mailbox. As the guests arrived, Jimmy’s eyes widened when he saw the big, shiny packages that everyone had brought for him. When gift-opening time came, Jimmy grabbed a present and tore into it. It was a Lego set! Instead of thanking the friend who gave it to him, Jimmy just grabbed another gift and started opening it. He continued this way, not thanking anyone, until all the gifts were opened. After the party, Jimmy’s mom came into his room and talked to him about what had happened. When Jimmy realized that he had forgotten to show appreciation for his gifts, he decided to write thank-you...

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In a place called Moab there lived a nice family. Elimelech; his wife, Naomi, and their two sons had moved to Moab because there was more food in Moab. There was a famine where they used to live. After a while Elimelech died. Naomi wasn’t alone. She still had her two sons. Her sons got married. But after ten years, they died too. Naomi still had her sons’ wives, Orpah and Ruth, to keep her company and look after her. Naomi told her sons’ wives, “I am going to go back to where I used to live. I would like you also to go back to your family where you used to live.” She wished them each well and hugged them. All three women cried because they were such good friends. Orpah didn’t want to leave Naomi. However, Naomi convinced her that she would be fine....

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Brave Esther

Brave Esther

Long ago, in a country called Babylon, there was a king named Achashveyrosh and a queen named Vashti. King Achashveyrosh ordered his wife the queen to appear at a party so he could show everyone how pretty she was. She refused. King Achashveyrosh was furious. Haman, one of the king’s advisors, told him that if word got around, no one’s wife would think she had to listen to her husband. At Haman’s urging, King Achashveyrosh ordered that his wife be put to death. King Achashveyrosh ordered a search through the kingdom for a beautiful girl to be his bride. The king’s scouts came upon Esther. She was beautiful, gracious, and kind. Soon Esther was married to King Achashveyrosh. Esther was a Jew. The Jews had been driven out of their home about 70 years before...

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Jonah and the Whale

Jonah and the Whale

One day God asked Jonah to go to a place called Nineveh and tell the people living there to stop being bad. The only problem was that Jonah didn’t want to help the people there. He knew they were bad and he wanted them to be punished for their mistakes. So, instead of doing what God told him to do, Jonah ran away from Nineveh Jonah ran to the sea. He found a ship that was going to another city. He paid the captain, and went below to sleep. While Jonah was fast asleep below, a very bad storm arose. The boat was tossed around by huge waves. The men on board were very afraid. They started to throw the cargo overboard to lighten the load and prevent the boat from sinking. When the captain went to find Jonah, he was still sound asleep. The captain shook Jonah and...

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That Pesky Serpent

That Pesky Serpent

Everything went along well in the Garden of Eden. The weather was always lovely and sunny. Adam and Eve— for that is what Adam finally named her— tended the creatures. They played tag in the trees and ate the delicious fruits and vegetables that grew there. At night, they sat and looked at the moon and the stars twinkling in the dark sky and talked. Adam was so glad to have another creature that talked. Their life was so perfect it was almost too good to believe. One perfect, warm sunny day, Eve was walking through the garden. Suddenly, one the creatures slithered out in front of her. “How nicccccccccccccce to ssssssee you, Eve,” hissed the serpent. Now the serpent wasn’t really one of God’s creatures. He was really the devil in disguise. He appeared...

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Noah’s Ark

Noah’s Ark

God looked at the world and saw that all the people were very bad. God decided He would wash away all the people and animals of the world with a giant flood. Now, in all the world, there was only one good person. His name was Noah. Noah had a wife and three sons. God told Noah to build a big boat called an ark to keep his family safe from the flood. God told Noah to take two of every kind of animal in the world and put them on the ark to keep them safe. So Noah went out and gathered two of every kind of farm animal. And two of every kind of wild animal. He gathered two of every type of bird, both big and small. And two of every living thing that creeps along the ground. God also told Noah to bring aboard the ark all the kinds of food that all the different animals...

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Nothing can separate us from the love God has for us. Not death, not life, not angels, not ruling spirits, nothing now, nothing in the future, no powers, nothing above us, nothing below us, or anything else in the whole world will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38) God gave Adam and Eve a perfect place to live. He planted a beautiful garden in a land called Eden. God told them to enjoy every good thing growing in the garden, except He warned them not to taste the fruit hanging from one tree. It was a simple rule. But a sly snake slithered in the garden. The snake didn’t like God or His rules. It came to trick Adam and Eve into disobeying. It wanted them to forget God’s love long enough to make a...

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God’s Creation, Our Home Genesis 1– 2

God’s Creation, Our Home Genesis 1– 2

The sky, the earth and all that filled them were finished. On the seventh day He rested from all His work. God blessed the seventh day and made it a holy day. Genesis 2: 1– 3 In the beginning, God painted the sky and sculpted the earth. The earth was dark. No life was found. Then came a powerful, pleasing sound. God’s voice thundered, “Let there be light!” And so there was! It was good, like all our loving God does. He called the light “day” and the darkness “night.” God drew lines around the oceans. He left land in perfect shapes and places. Trees and plants sprang up everywhere. Fruit holding seeds hung from the trees. God put great lights in the sky. He made a bright yellow sun and a milky white moon. He scattered sparkling jewels over the...

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Captain Stinky Foot

Once upon a time, beside the Caribbean Sea, there lived a young pirate named Stinky Foot.

Stinky Foot’s feet smelled bad. Flowers wilted when he walked by.

Stinky Foot’s feet smelled so bad that girls held their noses when he entered a room.

Stinky Foot’s feet smelled so bad that tough sailors cried, and fishermen buried their heads in bait buckets.

Stinky Foot’s feet smelled so bad that even his own mother would sometimes make him wear shoes to bed and sleep with the window open. Even in the winter!

One day Stinky Foot invited Toothless Tina to share his squid sandwich. She told him to go away and not come back until he smelled better.

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The Cure for Grumpiness

The Cure for Grumpiness

Do you ever feel grumpy? Mona the monkey was feeling that way. She didn’t want to cuddle or let her mother pick itchy bugs out of her fur. She didn’t want to play catch-me -if you-can, or jump from tree to tree by the river. Mona was a miserable grump. Sometimes, we get grumpy too and that’s okay. . . if it’s just for a little while. But if we hold onto our grumps they can make us cranky. Cranky leads to crabby, and no one likes to hang around with crabby crabs. Mona’s best friend, Fern, knew the cure for grumpiness. “What you need,” she told Mona, “Is a Whatever.” “What’s a Whatever?” Mona asked with a grumpy frown. “I bet if we look together, we can find one in no time,” said Fern. With a loud sigh, grumbling,...

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I’ve Brought Some Corn for Popping

I’ve Brought Some Corn for Popping

by Sandra Merville Hart This line from the beloved Christmas carol “Let it Snow” started me wondering when the tradition of popping corn began. People have known how to pop corn for thousands of years. Ears of popcorn were found in the Bat Cave in New Mexico that are about 4,000 years old. Found in 1948 and 1950, a penny is larger than the smallest of these ears while others are about 2 inches long. Popcorn remnants discovered in Mexico have been dated to around 3600 BC. One-thousand-year-old popcorn kernels found in North Chile still pop. Aztec Indians in the 16th century used popcorn for ceremonial headdresses and necklaces. Young women danced a popcorn dance wearing popcorn garlands on their heads. Pearls or Nonpareil were names that the kernels were sold...

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Oh, Bring Us a Figgy Pudding

Oh, Bring Us a Figgy Pudding

by Sandra Merville Hart We sing the familiar Christmas tune, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” every year. If those early carolers refused to leave until they received a serving, it must be delicious. When did folks originally sing this song? The song is believed to date back to England in the 1500s. Carolers sang to their neighbors with greetings of the season. They hoped wealthy citizens would give them a treat, such as figgy pudding, to thank them for singing to them. The song, “Here We Come A-wassailing,” asked for a drink from rich neighbors’ wassail bowl, an invitation to warm themselves around the fire, and maybe a pork pie. “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” specifically requests Figgie Pudding. The tradition of making this dessert at Christmas...

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What Did the Magi Eat on Their Journey?

What Did the Magi Eat on Their Journey?

  by Sandra Merville Hart The Bible tells us in Matthew 2:1 that Magi from the east came to Jerusalem after Jesus was born in Bethlehem. It doesn’t give an exact location. Yet northern Arabia, Syria, and Mesopotamia were considered the “east” by the Jews. What might they have eaten along the way? Nuts, dates, and figs lasted a long time and were easy to pack on camels. They also needed to bring food and grain for their camels. The Magi may have traveled on sand dunes and desert for many miles. They’d also follow the rivers and streams as much as possible so they and their camels had plenty to drink. Folks living in the region likely shared water from their wells. When going through towns, they’d buy fresh bread, meat, fruits, and vegetables for the...

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Happy Birthday, Jesus Cake

Happy Birthday, Jesus Cake

by Sandra Merville Hart The tradition of birthday cakes for Jesus began over 500 years ago when desserts were a rare treat. Children looked forward to baking a cake to celebrate Jesus’s birthday. Moms often hid little gifts inside the batter. Children found tiny toys like marbles or even a coin in their servings. The cake itself contains special meaning. White cake symbolizes the sinless life of Jesus. The cake rises while in the oven to represent His resurrection. Red icing reminds folks that Jesus died to save us from our sins. The light of a single candle reminds us of the star the Wise Men followed to Bethlehem. Candlelight also means that Jesus is the light of the world. I wrote “Happy Birthday, Jesus” on my frosted cake. Ask your mom for red and green...

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President George Washington Declares a Day of Thanksgiving

President George Washington Declares a Day of Thanksgiving

by Sandra Merville Hart The Revolutionary War was over. Leaders wrote a new United States Constitution. The nation elected its first president. Peace reigned again. New Jersey Representative Elias Boudinot asked that Congress pass a resolution to request that President George Washington declare a thanksgiving observance. Congress passed the resolution. President Washington liked the idea and agreed. On October 3, 1789, Washington issued a proclamation that Thursday, November 26th was to be a national day of thanks to God. He reminded Americans that God’s care had led them through the Revolution and helped them establish a new government and Constitution. Washington sent the proclamation to state governors. Newspapers printed it to tell citizens about it. There...

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Veterans Day

Veterans Day

Did you know … Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day. Armistice is a big word that means two armies at war with each other agree to stop fighting, at least for a specific amount of time. November 11, 1918 World War I was known as “the Great War” until World War II. At 11:00 am on November 11, 1918, the armies agreed to stop fighting. A Legal Holiday November 11th became a legal holiday called Armistice Day in 1938. Moment of Silence United States citizens honored soldiers of “the Great War” (World War I) with parades. They also paused for two minutes at 11 am for a moment of silence. People pray for the soldiers or think of them quietly during moments of silence. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier A World War I soldier was buried...

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Get Ready, Butterflies! Winter’s Coming!

Get Ready, Butterflies! Winter’s Coming!

When cold winds rattle the last leaves on the trees, we prepare for winter. We snuggle under extra blankets, slurp up warm soups, or even travel south. God helps butterflies get ready, too. In summer, monarch butterflies live just a few weeks, flitting from flower to flower to sip nectar. But autumn monarchs can live eight months. They soar south on the fall winds to live in warm Mexico. There, fluttering black and orange monarchs cover every inch of some trees, making them look like tall, stained-glass windows. When spring comes, they mate and head north. Mourning cloak butterflies don’t migrate. As it gets colder, they shelter under tree bark and rocks. God gave them special proteins and extra sugars to keep their insides toasty warm. In early spring they...

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Aviation Boot Camp

Aviation Boot Camp

by Lori Layne Billy grasped the yoke in his hands and pushed forward slowly. The plane tilted towards the earth and began to race down. He held his breath. “Great job.” The instructor smiled and pulled the airplane back level. Tim was an Aviation Boot Camp pilot with a love for Jesus and Aviation, in that order. This day’s lesson allowed Billy and Tim to get closer to heaven as they soared high in the sky. The writer of Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” Tim said, “Here’s a mind-blowing fact about the universe, Billy. If the sun were as tall as a typical front door, Earth would be the size of a nickel. Do you understand that God made all of this?” “You mean that cloud that looked...

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Columbus Day

Columbus Day

When Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain on August 3, 1492, he planned to create a sea route to India and China. Columbus took three ships Columbus was an Italian explorer. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, who ruled Spain, believed in Columbus’s plan to find China so he sailed west with three ships: the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Columbus landed in the Bahamas Columbus landed in the Bahamas on October 12, 1492, but thought he reached the Indies. Most Europeans scholars knew the world was round European scholars knew the earth was round in 1492. They didn’t know about the Pacific Ocean. They believed that sailing across the Atlantic Ocean would lead them eventually to China and Japan. Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean again and...

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Surrounded by Fish

Surrounded by Fish

Mrs. Moses Diary “Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the LORD drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.” Exodus 14:21-22 (NIV) by Bonnie Beardsley Dear Diary, Pharaoh let us go after the last plague. Even the Egyptians were glad that we were leaving. We could have gone a shorter way when we left but that was not the way God showed with the pillar of fire and cloud for us to go. It led us to the Red Sea. Pharaoh must have changed his mind. His army came after us. The people started to panic. Then the pillar of fire and the cloud moved from in...

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