Is There a Doctor in the BARN?

Is There a Doctor in the BARN?

Helping Hands Up!Could a kitten be a doctor?  Can bees be teachers?  Can horses help you use your body better?  You bet!

Nuzzling and stroking a kitten sends soothing messages to our brains. Watching kittens run, jump and play makes us laugh–sometimes out loud!  We want to share the funny stories with our family and friends, and we smile again as we do it.

Our senses come alive when we are near a big animal like a horse.  Horses are cool, they have a particular scent, we hear them whinny and snort, it is fun to brush and groom them, and they respond differently to loud or soft voices.

Horses have rhythmic movements, too, and these movements help riders learn balance and posture.  As we learn to move with the horse, healing often takes place in our bodies.

Bees mesmerize us.  It takes concentration to see their comings and goings, and our eyes move quickly while watching the bees work to make honey. Tired minds dulled by too much screen time become energized by the teamwork witnessed inside the hive.

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. (Job 12:7-8 )

Do you have an animal that teaches you things?  Name something you have learned from your pet, or another animal.

Jennifer TirrellJennifer Tirrell has worked alongside many wonderful individuals serving the underserved across the United States and beyond, as well as mucking stalls and cleaning goat pens closer to home on her daughter’s farm ministry. She loves Jesus Christ, writing, kids and everything outdoors.


  1. NameWendy Jenkins
    Mar 22, 2023

    Comment *Love this! All true. Animals are one of life’s blessings and bring joy and comfort to adults and children alike. Thanks for the reminder of their importance in our lives.

  2. Carey
    Mar 31, 2023

    I love this!

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