God’s Grace To You and Through You for All

How do you demonstrate love? Count the ways! Now that GOD’s ‘new’ has begun, we are ‘new’ in Jesus, and we will begin to learn ‘new’ ways to ❤️ the way God loves! John 15:13 says the greatest love a person can show is to die for his friends. List the ways you can show “The Greatest ❤️”.
Perhaps, some would say it is doing “whatever” a ‘friend’ asks or says. Do you think it’s dressing, thinking, or talking exactly like someone else? Could real love mean overlooking the many differences we have and focusing on the person? Would the “greatest” love mean telling someone only what they want to hear?
God Who is perfect love at ALL times teaches us that there is no greater love than when a person lays down their life for a friend or stranger (John 15:13).
✝️John 3:16-17 says, “For God loved the world so much that He gave his only Son. God gave his Son so that whoever believes in Him may not be lost, but have eternal life. God did not send His Son into the world to judge the world guilty, but to save the world through Him.”
✝️1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each of you received a spiritual gift. God has shown you His grace in giving you different gifts. And you are like servants who are responsible for using God’s gifts. So be good servants and use your gifts to serve each other.”
✝️John 13:3-5; 15 says that Jesus knew that the Father had given Him power over everything. He also knew that He had come from God and was going back to God. So, during the meal Jesus stood up and took off His outer clothing. Taking a towel, He wrapped it around His waist. Then He poured water into a bowl and began to wash the feet of his disciples, his followers. He dried them with the towel that was wrapped around Him. He did this as an example for us so we should do for others as he cared for us.
✍🏾List, draw, and count some ways that GOD shows HIS love for us.
(use the scriptures above to get you started)
What are some ways you plan to express the God-kind-of love?
🙏🏾Complete this prayer of thanksgiving to GOD for His faithful, forever ❤️.
Thank You
You always
Lord, I praise You for loving forgiveness! I am sorry for the times I have not loved like You! Thank You for showing this to me and helping me to
©2023 Penelope White Use with author’s permission. Send requests to penywhite@hotmail.com
Penelope Allen White is a wife, mother of two young adult sons, and grandmother. Her passion is for all children and people to have an intimate knowledge of God. She works as a Christian educator, speaker, church school curriculum writer and teacher, workshop facilitator, middle school counselor, and neighborhood tutor. Despite her busy schedule, she still finds time to enjoy a game of hopscotch!