God’s Continued Wisdom, Mercy, Grace

God’s Continued Wisdom, Mercy, Grace

Why? When? Oh, how?

Ecclesiastes 7: 23-

“I am determined to be wise”—

    but this was beyond me.

Whatever exists is far off and most profound—

    who can discover it?

So I turned my mind to understand,

    to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things

You can ask God ANYthing! Yes, ANYthing… really go ahead, ask about ANYthing, and EVERYthing! Others may tire of your countless and endless questions, not our Father! He invites and welcomes our endless inquiring because He created us to learn especially about Him! You are in the company of many faithful followers and believers when you ask questions. Moses, Abraham, Sarah, David, Esther, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Deborah, Paul, Mary, Peter, and John.

Just know that He is an eternal God Who has ALL answers to ALL questions for ALL times! He listens; yet remains Sovereign and may choose silence for the moment.

Sometimes we wonder how that large family can be so happy, so grateful, and so generous with what some might think is not enough. We ponder why the little boy down the street was born with no arms. We are puzzled about the girl who cheats in school and then brags about it saying “Nobody catches me”. We experience questions and sadness because a good friend had to move to yet another foster home.

Think of watching a parade or a race! We strain to see who or what’s coming. We can only see a short distance and a small part. God sees and plans the ‘whole’ of our lives. He knows from beginning to end every detail between the two. His promises of knowing and having good thoughts for us, giving us hope and a future are encouraging. God’s reassurance of always being with us and causing all the events in our lives to work together for our good are comforting.


R remember… only GOD knows

E EVERYthing about EVERYbody, EVERYwhere, EVERYtime

A all the details, in and outs, ups and down~ beginning to end

S sometimes we try to see the whole puzzle finished, figured out, in

O order, and line up the whys, hows, whens~ BUT

N no matter our many feeble human efforts

S Sovereign Lord ALONE holds those answers saying, “Trust Me”.

Write then pray your prayer of questions and thanksgiving to GOD!

Dear LORD, thank You for being You! You know the past, present, and future! How awesome You are! You are always with me, knowing my thoughts and my questions. I can bring them to You. Help me to do that trusting You more and more as the questions seem to be more and more. 

I love You, LORD. Amen

©2022 Penelope White Use with author’s permission. Send requests to penywhite@hotmail.com

Penelope White

Penelope Allen White is a wife, mother of two young adult sons, and grandmother. Her passion is for all children and people to have an intimate knowledge of God. She works as a Christian educator, speaker, church school curriculum writer and teacher, workshop facilitator, middle school counselor, and neighborhood tutor. Despite her busy schedule, she still finds time to enjoy a game of hopscotch!

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