Choosing Friends Carefully

Choosing Friends Carefully

“Godly people are careful about the friends they choose.” Proverbs 12:26 NIrV

Have you ever seen a squishy, fuzzy, cuddly caterpillar wriggling its way down a sidewalk when you’re on a walk or at the park? The creepy-crawly insects that look so cute and cuddly can be tempting to hold and play with, but did you know that type of caterpillar could hurt you if you picked one up?

Those caterpillars are called American Dagger caterpillars. They live near trees and have brightly colored, fuzzy-looking hairs that can cause your skin to burn, itch, or form a rash. American Dagger caterpillars might look harmless from the outside, but they can hurt us if we get too close.

The same is true about certain people who seem nice on the outside, but the more you get to know them, they might not be so nice. The Bible tells us to be friendly to everyone but to choose our friends carefully. Just like an American Dagger caterpillar can hurt you with its spikey hairs, some people can hurt you with their words or actions. They can even tell you to do things you shouldn’t do. Ask God to help you choose the right kind of friends.


Brandie J. Muncaster Brandie J. Muncaster is an award-winning author and speaker. Her most notable work is a children’s book called Garden Tales: A Seed’s Story. Brandie is the founder of The Write Place and President of the Charlotte Word Weavers chapter.


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