Veterans Day
Did you know …
Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day. Armistice is a big word that means two armies at war with each other agree to stop fighting, at least for a specific amount of time.
November 11, 1918
World War I was known as “the Great War” until World War II. At 11:00 am on November 11, 1918, the armies agreed to stop fighting.
A Legal Holiday
November 11th became a legal holiday called Armistice Day in 1938.
Moment of Silence
United States citizens honored soldiers of “the Great War” (World War I) with parades. They also paused for two minutes at 11 am for a moment of silence. People pray for the soldiers or think of them quietly during moments of silence.
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
A World War I soldier was buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C. on November 11, 1921. Because no one knew his name, the marble marker on his grave is inscribed: HERE RESTS IN HONORED GLORY AN AMERICAN SOLDIER KNOWN BUT TO GOD.
Holiday to Honor all Veterans
Armistice Day began as a day to honor the soldiers who fought in World War I. After World War II and the Korean War, the soldiers wanted November 11th to celebrate all veterans. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a law that made Veterans Day to honor all who fight for our country.
Red poppies
Red poppies, a small red flower, are a symbol of World War I. These may be sold to raise money for veterans.
-Sandra Merville Hart
Burnett, Bernice. Holidays, Franklin Watts, Inc., 1983.
Edited by Dupuy, Trevor Nevitt. Holidays, Franklin Watts, Inc., 1965.
“Veterans Day,” A&E Television Networks, 2016/01/22