The First Christmas
King David had descendants, too numerous to name. One of them was Joseph, who would gain lasting fame. Joseph was engaged to a woman named Mary. God said to her one night, “My child, you shall carry.” All that Joseph wanted was to do what was right. He considered leaving her, but God appeared to him one night. The Lord said, “Please take Mary to be your lawful wife. Because she will bear my child who will save all with his life.” The emperor Augustus ordered a census to be taken. Every man had to register by going to his hometown. So Joseph and Mary left to go to Bethlehem. By now she was expecting, so a donkey aided them. When they got to the city, there was no room for strangers. The only place for the baby to sleep was in a wooden...
Read MoreWhat Do I Wear?
Continue enjoying your refreshing, relaxing, FUN summer activities! One of your BIG questions for all your summer doings and goings may be what to wear and do. Sometimes the answer was clear: providing lunch for families @local parks-✅ swimming-✅ hiking-✅mowing lawn-✅ Other times maybe not. How about your cousin’s wedding, classical concert, job interview❓❓❓ With the Bible’s help, we have you covered for what to ‘wear’ now and at all times. So many retailers, and merchants including car, appliance, lawn equipment, and grocery have been advertising “BACK-to-SCHOOL” sales since the week after schools closed for summer! Perhaps you have started (or will very soon) shopping from your school’s supply list. Does your school...
Read MoreMade to Fly
Do you ever wake up to birds singing as they fly by your window in the morning? Robins are among the most common birds we see soaring in the sky.
JESUS EASTER ANGEL TOMB CROSS ROSE AGAIN STONE THORNS CRUCIFIXION T E S R W S N R O H T D O B E A O Y T F X J N R M T O J E S U S Y R L C B O A T D I E A S T E R S Y V L E G N A J E M O J Q U F M A G P G H K S N B S T O N E R X A U S O X D W M L O H C G I P T C R U C I F I X I O N Print this page and play! Jennifer Penrose is an author of children’s books. She currently has one book published called I Am God Breathed. She has always had a passion for showing children the love of God and helping them grow in the word. She has worked with toddlers and infants of all abilities and has two, now grown, sons of her own. She wants to write books that are helpful to kids...
Read MoreGet an Attitude of Gratitude!
Be Grateful! Distribute or design your own blank calendar templates for recording daily gratitude goals/plans to express grateful hearts. Discuss with your family and friends how these acts demonstrate a thankful heart. Be grateful! Get an attitude-gratitude! Get an Attitude of Gratitude! Goal: “Every day I will praise YOU, O GOD.” (Psalm 145:2) Example: Smile every morning/during the day/night, tell GOD what you thank HIM for, write a thank you note to parents, grandparents, neighbor, teacher, church/community worker, take a walk, and observe God’s creation or changes in nature. Let GOD know what you appreciate most! SHOUT it aloud. Be grateful! Get an attitude-gratitude! What are your ideas for praising GOD EVERY day? Grateful ♥️ Talking...
Read MoreWhat and Why Do You Save?
Believe in your heart. Say it with your mouth — Jesus is God’s Son; He died, rose for me! If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 What and why do you save? Is it because this is very rare, beautiful, precious, and valuable? Perhaps someone special made this just for you. You most likely want to keep it safe and secure! All of this and so much more is precisely why Jesus gave His life to save us. Unlike ‘what’ you save, we must choose to be saved. As it reads in God’s Word Romans 10:9, we must believe that Jesus died, God raised Him from the dead! God’s plan to save us is amazing; yet a part of that plan is as easy as our A,...
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