I Can Do All Things…Including The Unicycle

I Can Do All Things…Including The Unicycle

I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 It all started in kindergarten when I saw the unicycle team. I thought, cool, I’m going to do that. When I became a third grader I got to fill out a form and ride a unicycle. A couple of weeks later, I was excited to open a letter and find out I was going to be a Fairview Flyer. I went to my first unicycle practice excited, but nervous because I had never done it before. The coach lined us all up by size and gave us a unicycle. We each got a partner or two. I saw someone ride a couple pedals and I thought, well, it’s my turn. I started loosening my grip on the person’s shoulder and then brrring! The bell interrupted and I had to go to class. Over the weekend, I was glued to the unicycle...

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Twelve Days of Christmas

Twelve Days of Christmas

Twelve Days of Christmas Crossword Puzzle Puzzle Words The answers are: Partridge doves hens pipers geese swans maids birds ladies lords rings drummers Hints: Across 2. one 6. nine 7. six 9. four 10. eight 11. ten Down 1. three 3. five 4. two 5. eleven 8. twelve 12. seven More Hints: Twelve lords leaping Eleven ladies dancing Ten pipers piping Nine durmmers drumming Eight maids milking Seven swans swimming Six geese laying Five gold rings Four colly birds Three french hens Two turles doves A partridge in a pear tree Twelve Days of Christmas Number Puzzle Try to fill in the missing numbers. The missing numbers are integers between 2 and 10. The numbers in each row add up to totals to the right. The numbers in each column add up to the totals along the bottom. The...

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Let’s Go Shopping

Let’s Go Shopping

Do you like to go shopping for new school clothes? How about a trip to the grocery store to pick up a box of your favorite cookies? Or the toy store, where maybe your mom or dad let you pick out something you would really like for your birthday. Each store sells certain items. You would not go to the toy section to look for cookies, and I doubt you would find very interesting clothes at the grocery store. It is the same with magazines. If you are looking for a place to sell your story, you need to send it to the types of magazines that are interested in what you write. Many adult publications feature non-fiction articles or stories. You see them at the check-out counters all the time. The titles address how to stay healthy, plan a family budget, or talk to your...

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Do You Have Your Camera?

Do You Have Your Camera?

Have you ever thought about writing a story? If so you will need a camera. I’m not talking about a real camera that takes pictures, but an imaginary camera that sits right on your shoulder and keeps an eye on your words. This pretend camera helps you see the world through the eyes of your character. In writing we call this: POV) point of view. Place your imaginary camera in your character’s hand. The things he or she sees, hears, smells, tastes, touches, feels, and thinks can only be told from the point of view of the person who is holding the camera. Let’s pretend that you and your friend are characters in your story and you are the point of view character. In your story, your friend is drinking a cup of hot chocolate. What are some of the things you cannot...

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Autumn Snack Attack

Autumn Snack Attack

On seeds I’ll feed to meet my need; then share some seed for those in need. That’s my good deed. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. Genesis 1:29 NIV What you will need: Small packages or 1 cup each of unsalted Sunflower seeds Pumpkin seeds Cashew nuts Almond slivers or any other unsalted nut of your choice 1 packet of Taco seasoning mix (Note: a great place to find varieties of nuts is at Whole Foods or similar markets and stores.)   Pre-heat oven to 300 degrees Place nuts and seeds in large mixing bowl Sprinkle Taco seasoning mix over nuts Stir to coat Spread nuts in a thin layer on a cookie sheet   Watch carefully so...

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