Staying Connected

Staying Connected

“Those who know your name will trust in you,  for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.” (Psalm 9:10) Over the Thanksgiving holiday I visited my parents. They live out in the country where there is no cable, no internet, and the cell phone reception is kind of spotty. For four days I couldn’t check my e-mail or work on the internet. I lost touch with all my Facebook friends and wasn’t able to answer my e-mail. I was disconnected. I began thinking about how not seeing or talking to friends regularly can cause them to become disconnected. Disconnection often causes friendships to fall apart. As I thought about my friendship with God, it made me think how important it is to stay connected to Him through regular prayer and reading His...

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Call 911 for Help . . . And Ice Cream

Call 911 for Help . . . And Ice Cream

By Megan Breedlove And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Ephesians 6:18 After I became a 911 police dispatcher I discovered people call 911 for all different reasons other than an emergency. One lady called demanding that an officer bring her ice cream. Another wanted to report that her pizza had too many peppers on it. People called wanting to know what time it was, when they needed directions, or to ask the lyrics of a song. There are certain kinds of calls that are not appropriate for 911.  But fortunately, there are no kinds of prayers that are not appropriate for God. You can pray any time, for any reason. A test at school?  Not too small for God to care about. Needing to know what to say to a friend?  Not too...

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Back Talk

Back Talk

“Not fair!” the kid said. “Don’t you back talk,” the dad said. Has anyone ever told you not to back talk or sass? My dad use to say, “Don’t you give me any lip.” I knew I’d better shut-up! Sassing or back talking means you’ve spoken disrespectfully to an adult. If you’ve been daring enough to back talk, then you may have also heard, “You’re grounded,” or “Go to your room.” Adults expect children to obey and not question their authority. Even when you don’t understand, obey your parents. (Hint…if you ask for an answer respectfully, you may get an answer.) Guess who allows back talk? Your father in heaven wants you to talk back to Him. Of course, you’ll have to keep reading because back talking God is different from back talking...

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