Stay on the Right Route

Stay on the Right Route

by Pamela A. Harrison   For this is God, our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even to death. Psalm 48:14 “Hi, Dad.” David’s dad looked up as he placed an open map beside his laptop on the table. “Hi, buddy. How was your day?” “Not very good,” David slouched in the chair. “You want to talk about it?” “Todd’s mad at me.” “He is? Why?” David looked at his dad and sighed. “He didn’t do his math assignment last night and he wanted to copy mine.” “What did you do?” “I almost gave my paper to him, but I got a funny feeling in my stomach. So, I told him no. He got mad and said he wasn’t my friend anymore. And to make it worse, Mrs. Wilcox...

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Do You Hear What I Hear?

“Dad, is that a fire truck?” Megan asks as she rushes to the window. Megan’s dad joins her. “It sure sounds like one. Can you see it?” Megan looks up and down the street in front of her house, then shakes her head. “No, but if it’s not a fire truck, what is it?” “I’ve got an idea, Megan. Come outside with me.” Megan’s dad opens the door and they step out. “Oh, there it is,” Dad says, pointing. “Do you see that grey bird in our mulberry tree? It’s the fire truck.” “Oh, I see it.” Megan laughs. “It sounds just like a siren.” * * * The bird in Megan’s front yard is a Northern mockingbird. It has a special talent – copying...

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What animal can curl up on a dime or stretch out on a quarter? A lizard called a dwarf gecko. It is only 3.8 cm long from nose to tail – less than half an inch. This gecko is smaller than all of the 23,000 known types of reptiles, birds, and mammals. Scientists discovered the tiny lizard on an island while looking for new types of animals. God had created the dwarf gecko, but scientists hadn’t seen it yet. One scientist got down on the ground and stirred through some dead leaves. Hidden under the leaves was the smallest lizard in the world. The gecko was under the leaves for a reason. Like all lizards, the dwarf gecko is cold-blooded. That means its temperature is near the temperature of the air around it. The tiny creature’s home has a warm...

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