Please! Don’t Starve the Crows

By Bea Edwards

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Psalm 119: 105 NKJV

Some days are spent just thinking–thinking about things that other people never wonder about. Things like: how God got the leopard to sit still long enough to paint his spots, and why the woodpecker doesn’t peck his brains out.

Today, I’m thinking about flies. Nasty little critters, and thieves too! Don’t believe it? Try having a picnic and see who gets to the potato salad first, you or the fly. But you know what? Even the fly has a purpose in Gods plan. Even the fly has a reason to exist. After all, without flies, what would crows eat?

God has a plan for you too. No matter the color of your skin, whether you are wealthy or in need, we each play a part in God’s plan. No one can fill your specific place in God’s big universe. You are special to God and God doesn’t make junk!

How do you know what God’s plan is for your life? You ask Him. You pray and read the instruction book that He gave–the Bible, His Holy Word.

So, the next time you feel unimportant, remember the flies. Without them, the crows would starve to death.

Bea Edwards lives in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina with her best friend: a three-year-old pit bull named Sophie. She has one grown daughter who is forever “the apple of her eye.”

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