Handprint Wind Sock

By Beth Godwin


1.       One piece of paper

2.       Crayons

3.       Scissors

4.       5 streamers

5.       8-inch piece of yarn

6.       Stapler

7.       Hole punch

First, fold a piece of paper in half. Place your hand on top of the paper and trace around it. (If you would like to color your handprint, color it before you go to the next step.)

Second, cut around the handprint. When you are finished, you should have two handprints.

Third, line the two hand prints up, so the thumbs and pinkies match. Staple along the sides of the handprints.

Fourth, staple the pieces of streamers to the finger cut-outs. Be careful not to staple the fingers together. (If you would like streamers on all of the finger cutouts, cut the streamers down the middle to create 10 pieces.)

Finally, punch a hole on opposite sides of your wind sock and thread the yarn through the holes to create a handle. Secure the yarn in place with knots.

Hang your wind socket outside and watch it sway in the breeze.

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