Gorgeous George and the Giant Green Cactus

Gorgeous George and the Giant Green Cactus

I am a giant, honestly. I live in Rumi Rancho, Bolivia with Wally the Watchdog. He is on vacation and I am in charge of guarding the house now. Whoopee!

My friend Artie the Armadillo calls me “The Saint” because I’m a Saint Bernard. Actually, we are called giant dogs because we are sooooo big.

Artie lives in the cactus field next to our house. She is very smart and teaches me new words every time we visit. Yesterday as we were chatting she said, “ George, you are gigantic. You must be able to fit a lot of words in that huge head of yours.” She taught me that gigantic means very big.

Compared to Artie I am a giant; she’s tiny.  When she comes to visit, she squeezes under the fence between our yards. Being a big boy, I would have to open our gate to go to her house and on one such occasion, my dream came true.

It was late in the afternoon and everything was quiet. I noticed that Rocky, our pony, had once again taken the lock off our gate with his teeth.  So I hurried through the gate; I’d be back in a flash, I thought.

There I was in the middle of the cactus field and I couldn’t find Artie’s house. I ran into Mr. Buster Bunny, but it was not a good meeting. He said, “George, what are you doing out of your yard? When your parents find out, you are going to be in big trouble.”

I begged him to tell me where Artie’s house was located. Grumbling, he said to look for the biggest cactus I had ever seen. I was on my way, but I tripped and rolled down a hill right through a thorn patch and bumped my head on the biggest cactus I had ever seen.

“George, what are you doing here?” It was Artie; I’d found her house. She was quite upset that I was hurt and took me into her cactus house to remove the thorns from my foot. My head was pounding, my foot was bleeding, and I could hardly move my big body.

While lying on her couch, I looked up at the gigantic cactus. I was inside a cactus treehouse and it was beautiful. The stairs were made of pink rocks, the windows were shiny and heart shaped, and the carpeting was soft and made of pony hair. It was breathtaking, just like a fairy tale house.

Artie was not happy with me and said, “George, you must go home before you are missed. But remember, maybe no one will know of your adventure today, but God knows. He sees and knows everything. You must tell Him you are sorry and will never, ever, run off again.”

Just as I was wiping the tears from my eyes, I heard a squeaky voice in my ear. “George, wake up, it’s me, Artie. You were snoring so loudly that the windows in my house were shaking. Were you having a bad dream?”

Yes, it was all a dream. I was home, safe in my yard. Thank goodness!  I will never leave without permission. I told Artie the whole story and she too was happy it was only a dream. But I learned an important lesson — always obey.

The Bible says, “Children, obey your parents in all things; for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord.”

I was jumping for joy that day, and that isn’t easy for a gigantic Saint Bernard.

Read Colossians 3:20

The End


Peggy Cunningham and her husband have served as missionaries in Bolivia, S.A. since 1981. Rumi Rancho, founded in 1999 by the Cunninghams, is their home and ministry base where they work among the Quechua people.

Situated in a rural area of the Cochabamba Valley, the Cunninghams minister to Quechua children and adults in their homes and churches. God has raised up Rumi Rancho to help them teach practical skills to children while reaching them for Christ. Their desire is to give them hope for eternity by teaching them God’s Word, as well as equipping them for a better life while here on earth.

Peggy has written 13 children’s books.  RUMI RANCHO TAILS is a series of nine picture books about the animals that have lived at Rumi Rancho. PEGTALES from Rumi Rancho is her latest published series. It is a series of four books and a collection of true stories of her childhood, which includes Biblical truths.

For more info:   www.peggyjcunningham.com or www.rumirancho.com

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