Bouquet of Lilies

By Beth Godwin

Here is a simple and easy project to welcome spring.

Needed Supplies:

1. White Paper

2. Pipe Cleaners: 3 green, 1 yellow, and 1 the color of your choice

3. Tape

4. Scissors

5. Pencil

First, trace your handprint on a white piece of paper three or more times. Then, cut  out the handprints.

Bring the thumb and pinky fingers together and tape them.

Take the pencil and wrap the finger tips around the pencil one at a time to make a nice curl.

Once all of your flowers are ready, take the yellow pipe cleaner and cut into 3 pieces. Form each yellow piece into a U and flip over the tips.

Securely attach a green pipe cleaner to each U and slip into one of the flowers.

If the hole is too large in the flower to hold your pipe cleaner, remove the stem and tie a loose knot in the pipe cleaner before placing it back in the flower.


Take the final pipe cleaner and tie a bow around your flowers to complete the bouquet!


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