The Lonely Little Princess, Part 4

The Lonely Little Princess, Part 4

By Elizabeth Fust

But the Princess didn’t have a fairy godmother, and a fish couldn’t be a prince! Could it? “God,” she prayed, “I wish my kiss could turn the fish into a prince. Perhaps then we could be friends, and maybe fall in love.  I would never be alone again because he would never leave me.”

The Princess reached her hands into the pond, and the fish swam to her. Carefully, she lifted him out of the water. She closed her eyes tight and brought the fish to her lips and kissed it.

But nothing happened.  The fish stayed a fish. After she put him back into the pond, he swam around just as he had before.

The Princess sighed.  “God, I’m so sorry I ever doubted you. A fish could never be a prince, and there is no such thing as fairy godmothers. You gave me two wonderful friends just like I asked for when I was a little girl. I should have never been angry with you. You didn’t take them away from me; they will come back.”

 The Princess felt better after that, even though she still wished she would meet a prince and fall in love. Her friends might fall in love while they were away, she thought to herself. She swished her hand back and forth in the pond and watched as the fish swam around his little kingdom.

Then the fish stopped swimming and he seemed to look up at the Princess. Suddenly the fish began to grow, and his scales seemed to shine very bright in the sun. Then right before her, where the fish had been swimming, stood a handsome prince!  The prince smiled at the Princess, and they both knew they were in love with each other.


After the summer was over, the Princess’s friends came home, and they too had met their true love. All of them lived happily ever after, and the Princess was never alone again. God had answered all her prayers that she made as a little girl. He had given her a peasant, a princess, and a prince as friends. God had even given her a fish for a friend! She was never alone, knowing that God was always there for her. The End

Art work by Rachel Skiba


Elizabeth Fust is a homeschooled senior in high school. When she was six years old, she entered a story into a Reading Rainbow Young Writers and Illustrators contest, it is the first story she remembers writing. Elizabeth has been writing ever since. She is active in the parish youth group, parish choir, and 4-H. She is an avid reader, loves playing with her two dogs, playing Ultimate Frisbee with her friends, playing flute, dreaming up new stories, and learning new things.


Rachel Skiba has been homeschooled her entire life and is headed to her freshman year of college. She has always been interested in art and has taken many art classes. Rachel enjoys drawing, photography, sewing, beading, playing the bass, playing Ultimate Frisbee with her friends, and spending time with her four sisters.


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