When God Speaks

By Mary Bickerstaff Be still and know that I am God… Psalms 46:10   A nursery rhyme tells us, “A wise old owl lived in an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke. The less he spoke, the more he heard. Why can’t we all be like this wise old bird?” It’s a noisy world.  We’re bombarded with words all day long.  God sometimes speaks in whispers.  How can we hear God when He speaks to us?  Let’s look at two examples from the Bible. As a teacher, Jesus spoke many words.  Before He spoke, He found a quiet place to pray.   He listened.  God told Him what to teach His followers. The boy, Samuel, heard a whisper in the night. It was God calling, “Samuel!  Samuel!” Samuel got out of bed, went to his mentor, Eli, and said, “You called...

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