Olive Trees Live a Long Time

Olive Trees Live a Long Time

Did you know that seven olive trees in Israel have lived over 3,000 years old? Imagine all the changes those trees witnessed in those years! Olive trees, a type of evergreen, can grow over forty feet. That’s taller than a four-story building! The branches can spread twenty feet from the trunk, or forty feet from one side to the other so the tree can be as wide as it is tall. The trunks have a unique gnarled (twisted) pattern. When the tree is young, the bark is green. As the tree ages, the bark turns gray. A mature olive tree can be chopped to the ground and grow back. What an amazing trick! A long time ago, olive oil was prepared by crushing olives in a large wooden or stone bowl called a mortar. Oil presses were also used. “Gethsemane” comes from the...

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Walking on the Right Path

Walking on the Right Path

Have you ever seen people do bad things and then get praised for it? It’s hard to do the right thing, especially when everyone else is not. But there’s a way to make sure you always do the right thing:

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