Sibling Squabbles

Sibling Squabbles

Ps. 133:1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. KJV




Photo courtesy of

“Get out of my seat!  I was sitting there!”  The fire in James eyes matched his red shirt.

“You left, now I’m sitting here!”

“Alek, you know that’s my spot, now move!”

Alek, who sat like a stone statue, was no match for his older brother James.  With fierce determination, James slammed into his brother and the battle was on.

Does this scene sound familiar?  It may not be about a favorite spot on your living room couch, but if you have a sibling, you more than likely know what it’s like to have a quarrel.

Squabbles with your sister or brother are normal.  Selfishness comes naturally, but showing love and respect does not.   What’s important is learning how to love and get along with your siblings.  No matter what kind of relationship you have with your sibling right now, it can be even better!  God’s Word reminds us, “…how good and how pleasant it is for brethren (brothers & sisters) to dwell together in unity.”  This is God’s plan for you.

Pretend you are James or Alek in the scene above.  How could you show love and respect to your brother to prevent the situation from ending in anger?


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Jennifer loves kids galore, & helping them reach their potential more.
Privileged to have taught in the past, she’s homeschooling her boys & having a blast (most days.)
She loves being married & living in the country, with an occasional 4-legged creature sighting.
She also enjoys running & photography – but especially the fun of rhyming her writing.
She and her husband Neil have two sons and live in Central Michigan.

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