From Bitter to Sweet

From Bitter to Sweet

Mrs. Moses Diary

“Then Moses cried out to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water, and the water became fit to drink.” Exodus 15:25 (NIV)

by Bonnie Beardsley

Dear Diary,

How quickly people forget what God did for them. It has been three days since we crossed the Red Sea and started our journey to the Promised Land. One would think after what happened with the Red Sea, they would know God will provide what we need.

Three days and we saw no sign of water until today. We came to the lake called Marah, which means bitter. That water was so bitter no one could drink it. But God had a plan to prove that he will take care of us. He had Moses throw a piece of wood into the water and instantly we were able to drink the water.

God promised as long as we do what is right in His eyes and keep His commands, He will heal us. I wonder if that includes healing our hearts when we feel things didn’t go the way we thought they should and become bitter. Like with the water … He changed it from bitter and made it better. I believe He can do that with our hearts too.

He then led us from the place of bitterness to Elim, a place of twelve refreshing springs and palm trees. We set up camp there.

About Bonnie Beardsley

Bonnie Beardsley is a wife and mother of two boys. Her boys are grown and live on their own, but their dogs are still with her. Before the boys were born she wrote puppet skits for her church’s kids’ church. She is in the middle of writing her first book. Visit her at

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