Jesus, Matthew 5:44

Jesus, Matthew 5:44

Unbullying Beth “…love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you…” Matt. 5:44 Another spit ball aimed at Laura went flying past, hitting the wall map and landing in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.  Mrs. D was oblivious as she arranged fractions on the chalkboard.  Laura felt another sharp sting on her cheek.  As everyone burst out laughing, Mrs. D spun around, “Who threw that?”  Laura clenched her fists and her pencil snapped in two.  No one spoke as their teacher stalked up and down the aisles.  “Speak up or you get no common denominators in your homework this week.”  A tense silence gripped the room, broken by the recess bell. “Got you again you big wimp!”  More hallway harassment from Beth the...

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Grand Slam Perseverance II

Grand Slam Perseverance II

As we read in Part I, Nick lost his game but a caring man encouraged him to not give up.  Here, he helps Nick make the right decision & teaches him about perseverance. The door slammed behind him as Nick struggled to hold on to his cleats and his burger.  “I hate being late!” he complained to his Mom.  “I need batting practice before the game, really bad!”  Mom handed him a napkin.  “Don’t forget you’re on a team, Nick.  You have a great team!”  He absorbed his burger, but even more so the encouraging words of his Mother. Soon practice was over and it was time for the last big game.  Nick’s dream for the Play-off’s was closer than ever, but things didn’t look good for the Eagles.  By the fourth inning, the team’s discouragement...

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Pay Day Spotlight

This is our first Pay Day Spotlight, where we feature how kids are making money.  This month we’ll meet Jordan Bryson, new 6th-grader and photography business owner. By Tina V. Bryson “My business is mostly making greeting cards,” said Jordan.“I got started when I joined a technology club at school. I took these pictures for a project, and my pictures were really good. “ Although Jordan loved taking pictures, he had to learn a lot about building a business. He took a class to improve his photography. He also took advantage of free sites to get a basic business website and business cards. “The hardest part about getting started was buying the supplies,” said the 11-year-old. “I didn’t have a lot of money, so that was a struggle. My parents ended...

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A Wad of Money

A Wad of Money

By Phoebe Leggett … do to others what you would have them to do to you. ~ Matthew 7:12 (NIV) “I wish I had lots of money,” Collin said as he and his mom were shopping. “Then I could buy all the video games I want.” “You don’t need more stuff,” his mother said. “Besides, there are better things to spend money on than games. Be thankful for what you have.” Collin looked down, embarrassed. Then he noticed a wad of green paper on the floor. He picked it up and unrolled the small bundle. “Look Mom. It’s money!” “Let me see.” Collin handed the bills to her. “Eight-hundred dollars,” she said after she counted it. “You found eight-hundred dollars!” “Now I can buy all the video games I want.” “This money isn’t...

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Grand Slam Perseverance, Part I

Grand Slam Perseverance, Part I

“One night Joseph had a dream and promptly reported the details to his brothers, causing them to hate him even more.  “Listen to this dream,” he announced.  “We were out in the field tying up bundles of grain.  My bundle stood up, and then your bundles all gathered around and bowed low before it!”  “So you are going to be our king, are you?” his brothers taunted.  And they hated him all the more for his dream and what he had said.  (Gen. 37: 5-8, NLT.) When Joseph shared another similar dream with his family, his brothers’ hatred and jealousy intensified. This was one of many trials for Joseph, giving us an example of what it means to persevere. In the following story, a boy named Nate plays on a baseball team and begins to learn what it...

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Practice Using Your Money

by Peggy Billiard Do you get an allowance for jobs at home? Do you make money by doing small jobs for others? Where is your money? Does it seem like you have holes in your pockets? Your mom and dad had to learn how to use money wisely. Make a plan for how to use your money! Step 1: Get three envelopes. Label one: FUN MONEY. Label the second: SAVE. Label the third: GIVE. Step 2: Divide your money into the three envelopes. How much from every dollar should go in each envelope? (Or see the chart below.) Hmmmmm. Start with 80 cents of your dollar in FUN MONEY, 10 cents in SAVE, and 10 cents in GIVE. Step 3: How will you use the money? Write some ideas on the outside of each envelope. Do you want to save your FUN MONEY for something special? Will you buy a gift for...

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