Weave a Paper Basket!


  1. Two pieces of construction paper 17 in. by 12 in.
  2. Scissors
  3. Tape

First, take a piece of paper and fold it in half. Open it up, and fold the sides in to meet the center crease. Fold the edges to the center again.

Take your scissors and cut out the strips. You should have eight strips per piece of paper.

Place four strips down and weave four more strips across them.

Once the bottom is ready, fold the loose ends across the bottom to form the sides of the basket.

Then, take two strips, tape them together and weave them around the sides. (You may want to tape them in place.) Once you have made it completely around the basket, tape the ends together. Repeat until the sides are complete.

Cut off any excess pieces, and tape the edges at the top of the basket together.

Attach a strip to the sides to form a handle.

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