Winning Over Bullies

Winning Over Bullies

  By Phyllis Freeman Has not the Lord gone ahead of you. Judges 4:14  CHARACTERS Sisera Deborah Barak Jael A true story is found in Judges 4. A military commander, Sisera, was a bully. He harassed God’s people, the Israelites. They prayed for deliverance from Sisera’s bullying. Deborah was a prophetess and Israel’s judge. She told a soldier, Barak, “I’ll lure Sisera and his troops to the Kishon River. You be ready to attack his army.” Barak told Deborah, “If you don’t go with me… I won’t go.” “I’ll go,” she said, “but the Lord will give Sisera over to a woman…has not the Lord gone ahead of you?” Since Barak was afraid, God was going to let a woman wipe out the great military leader. God always has a plan for victory before...

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