Pioneer Militia in the Early 1800s

Pioneer Militia in the Early 1800s

Did you know…

by Sandra Merville Hart

The law made every male between 18 and 45 part of the Militia of the day. This was usually one regiment plus officers for each county.

Met yearly for drills

Our law required every company meet once a year for drills. After this, the entire regiment met for a one day drill at the county seat or some other designated location.

Special rifle regiments

In addition, one or more rifle regiments had company meetings. These men wore uniforms. The rifle regiments and officers met at the county seat for “Officer’s Muster,” a two-day drill.

Crowds attend annual drills

All the rifle regiments met annually for a regimental drill. These Military displays drew large crowds. Everyone loved a pleasant change from the daily routine. It was considered a general holiday.

Celebrate with horse races

Usually held in the fall, these “big musters” brought opportunities for horse races, foot races, and wrestling matches.



Welker, Martin. 1830’s Farm Life in Central Ohio, Clapper’s Print, 2005.




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