I Married a Prince

I Married a Prince

Mrs. Moses Diary


Moses agreed to stay with the man, who gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses in marriage. Exodus 2:21 (NIV)

by Bonnie Beardsley

Dear Diary,

Moses is an ex-prince but, in my eyes, he’s my prince. He saved my sisters and me from the goat herders at the well. The men of the village like him. Obviously my dad likes him because they spend a lot of time talking to each other. Everyone knows how much I like him because I married him.

It is nice to have my husband with us when we take the sheep out. You know, Moses doesn’t even act like a prince when we are out with the sheep. He seems to be a simple shepherd and loves the sheep as though they were his children.

He makes me feel as I was the only woman in the world. Sometimes I wonder what his life was like back in Egypt. He was probably waited on hand and foot. Moses doesn’t say much about it. I don’t bring it up because it seems unimportant to him. Life as it is now is his focus along with our baby who will soon be born.

He and my dad both agree, soon I will have to stop climbing the mountain and stay home until the baby comes. I pray that it will be a healthy boy.


Bonnie B headshotAbout Bonnie Beardsley

Bonnie Beardsley is a wife and mother of two boys. Her boys are grown and live on their own, but their dogs are still with her. Before the boys were born she wrote puppet skits for her church’s kids’ church. She is in the middle of writing her first book. Visit her at bonniesuewrites.weebly.com.

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