How a Young King’s Faith Saved a Generation

How a Young King’s Faith Saved a Generation

Have you ever hidden a time capsule and then dug it up later? Josiah became king at just 8 years old. His father had been a wicked man.

When Josiah turned 16, he started following God. He knew the Israelites were sinning. He wanted to make it right. At 20 years old, he ordered the destruction of all idols. A few years later, he raised money to rebuild the Lord’s Temple.

Men working on the temple found the Book of Law in the rubble. When Josiah read it, he tore his clothes. He sent his personal advisor to the temple to speak to God. A prophet was there. She told the advisor that God would punish Israel because of their sin.

Josiah begged for forgiveness and read the Book of Law to all the people. The Israelites repented.

Just because you’re young, does not mean you can’t influence others for Christ. You may not be the king of a nation but you can reach people every day. You can show others through words and actions how much God loves them.

2 Kings 23:1-3 (NIV)

Jennifer PenroseJennifer Penrose is an author of children’s books. She currently has one book published called I Am God Breathed. She has always had a passion for showing children the love of God and helping them grow in the word. She has worked with toddlers and infants of all abilities and has two, now grown, sons of her own. She wants to write books that are helpful to kids and parents alike to help foster the love of reading and a relationship with Christ.

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