How a Simple Push-Start Can Change A Life
Have you ever tried push-starting a mini-bike, a scrambler, or a car with a stick shift and clutch?
If so, you might understand how I felt one early morning a while back.
I woke up early, anticipating a rigorous day of motorcycle riding: 675 miles to that evening’s destination, Tucumcari, New Mexico. It wasn’t going to be easy. First, the starter was malfunctioning, but I learned I could push-start my motorcycle. However, this wasn’t just any motorcycle—it was an 870-pound, fully-loaded Goldwing.
This bike needed a hill or something very close to one to build up enough speed to start the engine on a cool morning in the high desert. The night before, I had parked at the motel in a spot with a slope, thinking, “That’s the ticket!”
All packed, I climbed onto the seat and turned the key to the ‘ON’ position. Aiming the bike toward the steepest part of the slope, I rolled through the motel’s main entrance, hoping to pop the clutch and ride out onto Main Street. But it stalled. “Now you’ve done it!” I said to myself. On level ground by the side of the road, early in the morning, not a soul in sight.
Just as I was fretting over how to proceed, a voice behind me spoke. “Looks like you need a push. Want one?”
I turned and saw a tall man with long hair and jeans.
“Yes, sir, I’d sure be grateful!” I replied.
I felt him grab hold of the bike’s back end. “Let’s go!”
He pushed, and I shimmied. I popped the clutch, and the bike came to life! As I approached the corner, I waved a hearty thank you and turned to ride on, grateful for the help.
I couldn’t see him as I looked back but knew God had provided—whether through a man or an angel, I wouldn’t know this side of Heaven.
Sometimes we need a push-start from a stranger to head off in the right direction to get our lives moving. I give thanks to God who provides that push just when we need it!
Today, look for ways you can push-start someone who is stuck and in need of a jump.
Genesis 16:13 “She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.””
Isaiah 30:21 “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.””
Hebrews 13:2b “… some have entertained angels without knowing it.”
Retired or Retread? – Make the most of your life! Jim Reeverts is a former U.S. National Park guide and the author of Jordan Pond, Mount Desert Island, Maine.
Yes! So true! Thanks for this timely reminder!