He’s Going Back to Egypt

He’s Going Back to Egypt

Mrs. Moses Diary


So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.”  Exodus 3:10 (NIV)

by Bonnie Beardsley

Dear Diary,

It has been years since I last wrote. Life got busy fast with the birth of our son and other children.

Today, Moses was late getting back from shepherding our sheep today. I had started to worry when he finally got home. He immediately talked to my dad. That’s very unusual for him. I still didn’t know why he was so late but I dared not listen in on their conversation. I stayed busy while cooking his dinner.

When he did come home, I sat with him while he ate. He told me about a bush on the mount that looked like it was on fire, yet it didn’t burn up. As he went to go check out this bush God spoke to him.

It didn’t surprise me. Mount Horeb, also known as Mount Sinai, is called the mountain of God. On clear days—when no clouds surround the mountain—the top looks like it has been burnt, charred black.

God wants Moses to go back to Egypt to bring the Hebrews out of slavery. He explained to me that he tried to get out of it. For every reason he gave as to why God should find someone else, He came back with why Moses was the right person for the job. You can’t argue with God.

We leave in the morning.


Bonnie B headshotAbout Bonnie Beardsley

Bonnie Beardsley is a wife and mother of two boys. Her boys are grown and live on their own, but their dogs are still with her. Before the boys were born she wrote puppet skits for her church’s kids’ church. She is in the middle of writing her first book. Visit her at bonniesuewrites.weebly.com.

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