God Made Me

God Made Me

by Rose Johnson

“I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” Psalm 139:14a (KJV)

Five-year-old Marcus was riding home on the school bus, when an older boy who sat near him said, “Your hair is bushy. I bet it was real bushy when you were a baby.”

A group of big kids laughed.

“What’s bushy?” asked Marcus. The older boys just laughed like something was really funny. Marcus put his head down and didn’t talk the rest of the way home.

By the time Marcus got off the bus, he was feeling sad and confused and a little worried about how his hair looked. He told his mother what happened.

“I like your hair,” she said, putting her arms around Marcus.

“You know, Marcus, sometimes people say thoughtless things that hurt our feelings. Sometimes they do it on purpose, but many times they just don’t think about how their words might make others feel.” After a moment she said, “Remember Marcus, you are God’s unique creation.  He made you and He loves you just the way you are. So do I.”

She gave him a big hug.  Marcus smiled.  He was ready now to go play.


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