Focus on God!

by Meyana

If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.
John 12:26, ESV

One hundred iPods are sold each minute. It’s like people care more about technology than they do life itself. God did not intend it that way. It wasn’t part of the blueprint for life. God wanted us to worship Him, not idols.

God should be our main focus (not technology or silly things). He wants us to follow Him and serve Him. We need to know God deserves our attention, NOT other things. We shouldn’t be greedy or selfish in any way.
Do you need help putting down your iPod or turning off your TV? Do you need to find God again?

Let’s pray:

Dear God,
Please help us to focus on You, not ourselves. Amen!

Meyana is 10-years-old and was adopted as a baby from China. She was healed from major vision disabilities at age eight after two surgeries and a lot of vision therapy. Praise the Lord! Meyana writes kids’ devotions, poetry and stories about life. She’s also an accomplished violist and enjoys performing for important causes. She enjoys reading, learning, and wants to be a doctor some day. She hopes you will enjoy her writings and that it will give God glory.

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