Blessed, Healthy, Safe August … And Forever After

YEAH “BACK-to-SCHOOL”! God’s continued blessings, wisdom, good health, safety, and PEACE this new school year! OK-ok, I get it-you may not be totally ‘thrilled’ about homework, reports, quizzes and tests. You are no doubt excited about seeing and being with your friends and neighbors again!
Who are our neighbors? ________________________
As you return and prepare to return to your various schools, each week read this interesting and helpful conversation between Jesus and an ‘expert’ in the law found in Luke 10: 25-37!
We learn something of great value from Jesus as He responds to this expert’s question… “And who is my neighbor?”
The LORD shares a very detailed and thoughtful story which leads the expert to answer his own question!
The parable is of a man who was badly abused and injured. Several (3) people see him lying on the ground in this desperate situation. Two are his fellow citizens and they are church leaders; however, they ignore this
hurting man as they rush on their way.
The third man sees the man on the ground also. Unlike the others, he stops, treats his wounds cleaning and bandaging them.
He then lifts the man putting him on his donkey and walks to an inn. Paying for a place for the hurt one to rest and get better. He even promised to pay more if needed. The man who did all of this was from a different city and community than the other two and this
wounded one.
Jesus then asked the expert which of these is a neighbor?
What are your thoughts after reading this ?_____________________________
List 3-4 character traits of a neighbor?
Who is a ‘neighbor’ in JESUS’ parable?
In what ways does he show himself neighborly?
Let us know your thoughts by commenting below, neighbor!
©2024 Penelope White Use with author’s permission. Send requests to
Penelope Allen White is a wife, mother of two young adult sons, and grandmother. Her passion is for all children and people to have an intimate knowledge of God. She works as a Christian educator, speaker, church school curriculum writer and teacher, workshop facilitator, middle school counselor, and neighborhood tutor. Despite her busy schedule, she still finds time to enjoy a game of hopscotch!