Been Fishing?

Been Fishing?

Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men. Luke 5:10b KJV


Fishing – what better way to spend a hot summer afternoon than fishing? It’s exciting to suddenly feel the tug on your line and reel one in. No matter how big or small the fish is, catching one puts everyone into action –snatching the line, grabbing a net, laughter and shouts; “Don’t lose him!” Even the fish is wriggling and jiggling. But to fish all day or night and catch nothing is boring and disheartening.


Peter, James and John fished all night and caught nothing – boring. Jesus asked to use Peter’s boat as a pulpit so the people could see and hear him better. After Jesus finished, he asked Peter to go out a little farther and let down his net. Peter told the Lord they fished all night and caught nothing, but because Jesus asked he would try again. This time the net was full and breaking. Peter needed help. He called his fishing buddies, James and John. Both boats were filled with fish. Peter was afraid because he knew he had to be in the presence of God. Only God could work such a miracle. Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid, from now on you will catch men.” NIV

Peter, James and John became great preachers who saw many people come to Christ. How exciting to “catch” others for Jesus and see their lives change. Who would you like to catch?

Gail Cartee (1)

Gail Cartee is a writer and teacher of hands-on family devotions. She and her husband live in the foothills of SC.  They have three grown children and three grandchildren. Gail writes Sunday School lessons for children and teens. She teaches in a  public school near her home. Gail often gets inspiration for her hands-on lessons while working in her organic garden.

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