A Harvest Moon
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Matthew 24:36
Hey Kids:
What is your vision for the future?
Not every Christian is called to a foreign mission field.
We need teachers, doctors, politicians, lawyers, auto mechanics, plumbers, computer techs and more who know how to use their jobs as effective mission fields.
Study about Daniel this week. He was just a teen when he was taken to Babylon, but he learned all he could without compromising his faith. Though he faced trials, he became one of the most influential men in the kingdom until his death as a very old man.
How can you prepare now for the vision God is giving you?
How can you influence the world from your mission field?
Gail Cartee is a writer and teacher of hands-on family devotions. She and her husband live in the foothills of SC. They have three grown children and three grandchildren. Gail writes Sunday School lessons for children and teens. She teaches in a public school near her home. Gail often gets inspiration for her hands-on lessons while working in her organic garden.
Visit Gail at http://gailcartee.blogspot.com/ or email her at gcartee8645@windstream.net.
Photo courtesy of Athena D. Campbell