A New Season

The Autumn (or Fall) season is known for colorful leaves and chilly temperatures. How many colors do you see on the trees around you? You may see red, orange, yellow, even shades of dark purple, depending on the type of trees around you.

Do you know why trees change color? Trees need  sunlight and oxygen to create the kind of food it needs to make green leaves. In the Autumn season, the amount of sunlight is less because the days are shorter. When this happens, the trees don’t get enough sunlight to make the green color. This is why fall leaves are so colorful.

Click on the image below to put together an online jigsaw puzzle.
preview35 pieceAutumn scene



Click on the image above so you can print and color it. Can you add some autumn color to the scene?

Gina loves to illustrate the Bible for children.  She has created hundreds of resources for children’s ministry needs – activity sheets, puzzles, games, children’s church bulletins, paintings, memory verse helps and more.  “Gina’s Corner” is a column she creates for Kids’ Ministry Ideas.




Autumn Puzzle Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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