Beyond Your Piggy Bank

by C.C. Owens You pass them every day, quiet little buildings with empty parking lots. People rush by them heading to McDonald’s or the grocery store, but every once in a while a person enters. What is this mysterious place? A bank. If you’ve never visited one, it may not be what you expect. There are no piles of money on the floor, no rows of piggy banks lining the walls. They’re fairly boring places if you don’t know the secret. You see banks hide the hum of money at work. Your home piggy bank will hold your money, but the amount will never change unless you add to it or take some away. The bank down the street will help you grow your money, even if you never put another dime in it. How do banks do this? They put your money to work. When you open a...

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Pay Day Spotlight

This is our first Pay Day Spotlight, where we feature how kids are making money.  This month we’ll meet Jordan Bryson, new 6th-grader and photography business owner. By Tina V. Bryson “My business is mostly making greeting cards,” said Jordan.“I got started when I joined a technology club at school. I took these pictures for a project, and my pictures were really good. “ Although Jordan loved taking pictures, he had to learn a lot about building a business. He took a class to improve his photography. He also took advantage of free sites to get a basic business website and business cards. “The hardest part about getting started was buying the supplies,” said the 11-year-old. “I didn’t have a lot of money, so that was a struggle. My parents ended...

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A Wad of Money

A Wad of Money

By Phoebe Leggett … do to others what you would have them to do to you. ~ Matthew 7:12 (NIV) “I wish I had lots of money,” Collin said as he and his mom were shopping. “Then I could buy all the video games I want.” “You don’t need more stuff,” his mother said. “Besides, there are better things to spend money on than games. Be thankful for what you have.” Collin looked down, embarrassed. Then he noticed a wad of green paper on the floor. He picked it up and unrolled the small bundle. “Look Mom. It’s money!” “Let me see.” Collin handed the bills to her. “Eight-hundred dollars,” she said after she counted it. “You found eight-hundred dollars!” “Now I can buy all the video games I want.” “This money isn’t...

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Seed Starters

By C.C. Owens Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both. –Ecclesiastes 11:6 (NLT) I love plants. In the summer, I like going into the garden to pick vegetables for dinner or pull an apple for a snack. It’s wonderful to see food grow from such tiny little seeds. But plants can also be frustrating things. Those seeds take time to develop roots. A lot happens under the soil before the first green leaf is seen. It takes even longer for blooms to develop and food to come. Perhaps that’s why God tells us to do many activities, not just one. He doesn’t want us to get frustrated while we wait. Now, I’ve been talking about seeds in a garden, but we...

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Funny Money, A Poem

Funny Money, A Poem

by C.C. Owens I had a quarter in a jar. It told me it was blue, and so I placed another there and one coin became two. The two coins talked and rattled loud this jar beside my toys, and so I put a dollar in to muffle all their noise. But soon the dollar joined the coins. It crinkled and it crunched. So I placed two more bills inside and quickly went to lunch. When I returned, the bills hopped up. The coins tapped out a beat. And then the jar was hopping on the rug beside my feet. I grabbed the jar. It wouldn’t stop its strange and bouncing dance, until I pulled each coin I had from pockets in my pants. And now the jar sits still as stone. It has all of my money, but if I get a quarter more, it will start acting funny. So be well warned, these money jars are not...

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